Final steps of Office 2013 install process


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I'm looking for detailed information about the final steps of installation and configuration that typically occur the first time Office programs are run. In particular, I'd like to know how Word and Outlook determine whether or not they should run this
process in my case they run it every time I start them. I previously asked a similar question in the Office 2013 IT Pro general forum, which remains unanswered. I did get some advice, but essentially the only thing that was relevant was to uninstall
and reinstall, which I have done several times: now Excel and OneNote start properly, but Word and Outlook have to run through an extensive process. I have also looked through numerous other forums and followed advice given for similar problems that happened
in this and previous releases of Office it seems particularly prevalent in Word.

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