File Synchronization Modifies Date & Time

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben
  • Start date Start date



Our users work remotely, so use offline files to cache their home drives
(H:) which is redirected to 'My Documents'. However, when they come back
into the office, and run synchronisation, it changes the file
created/modified date & time to the date/time that synchronisation takes
place, not when it was actually modified/created. According to our users,
this is a problem, because they use the files modified date/time property
for versioning (don't ask me why they don't just save the file with a date &
time in, i.e. document1-17-12-07.doc its just they way they work).

Is there anyway to stop synchronisation updating the date/time properties of
the files it syncs? If its not possible with the Windows synchronization
tool (I've tested powersync v2 beta also), is there another product out
there that can?

Many thanks
