File Copy Utility

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Does anyone know of a utility that will copy a specified number of
files from a source folder to a target folder. I have an application
that can only handle processing 500 files at a time. I have 220,000
files that need processing. I would like to schedule the next 500 to
be copied to the target when 500 complete. I have hunted around for
all the regular applications (Robocopy, xcopy, xxcopy etc) but none
have the ability to copy just any 500 files at a time. Is there a
better way to throttle these files 500 at a time from the source to
<> wrote...
> Does anyone know of a utility that will copy a specified number of
> files from a source folder to a target folder. I have an application
> that can only handle processing 500 files at a time. I have 220,000
> files that need processing. I would like to schedule the next 500 to
> be copied to the target when 500 complete. I have hunted around for
> all the regular applications (Robocopy, xcopy, xxcopy etc) but none
> have the ability to copy just any 500 files at a time. Is there a
> better way to throttle these files 500 at a time from the source to
> target??

The good ol' MOVE in XP works fine. I wrote up a couple of test batch files
that do what you want.

MoveXFiles.bat :

set /a moveindex=0
for %%f in ("C:\Temp\Test\*.txt") do call MoveOneFile.bat "%%f"

MoveOneFile.bat :

if %moveindex%==500 goto End
move /y %1 "C:\Temp\Test\Test2"
set moveindex
set /a moveindex=%moveindex%+1

What the above will do is move up to 500 txt files from C:\Temp\Test to
C:\Temp\Test\Test2. Just replace the appropriate paths to suit your needs
and execute MoveXFiles.bat. While this isn't a "copy", but rather a "move",
this prevents re-copying over an already copied file.

Jon E. Scott
Blue Orb Software
> MoveOneFile.bat :
> if %moveindex%==500 goto End
> move /y %1 "C:\Temp\Test\Test2"
> set moveindex
> set /a moveindex=%moveindex%+1
> :End

Actually, the above should be:

MoveOneFile.bat :

if %moveindex%==20 goto End
move /y %1 "C:\Temp\Test\Test2"
set /a moveindex=%moveindex%+1

Jon E. Scott
Blue Orb Software
On Jul 11, 4:47 pm, "Jon Scott" <> wrote:
> > MoveOneFile.bat :

> > if %moveindex%==500 goto End
> > move /y %1 "C:\Temp\Test\Test2"
> > set moveindex
> > set /a moveindex=%moveindex%+1
> > :End

> Actually, the above should be:
> MoveOneFile.bat :
> if %moveindex%==20 goto End
> move /y %1 "C:\Temp\Test\Test2"
> set /a moveindex=%moveindex%+1
> :End
> --
> Thanks,
> Jon E. Scott
> Blue Orb Software

Thanks much for the response it worked great!!

<> wrote...
>> MoveOneFile.bat :
>> if %moveindex%==20 goto End
>> move /y %1 "C:\Temp\Test\Test2"
>> set /a moveindex=%moveindex%+1
>> :End

> Thanks much for the response it worked great!!

You're welcome. I should start checking my work more when I copy/paste into
OE. That 20 should read 500.

Jon E. Scott
Blue Orb Software