Fatal Execution Error 0X7927F26e

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kate
  • Start date Start date


I installed new video editing software and drivers to support it, as well as
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. I have had various error messages that appear
after the task bar loads and have resorted to system restore several times.
Twice system restore renamed some files. Now I have error messages beginning
with Fatal Execution Error (0x7927f26e). When I tried system restore again I
got a message that it cannot restore to the point I have selected. I have
uninstalled the video editing software. How can I get back to a previous
restore point or pinpoint and resolve the error message?

Any help will be appreciated.
Kate wrote:
> I installed new video editing software and drivers to support it, as well as
> Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. I have had various error messages that appear
> after the task bar loads and have resorted to system restore several times.
> Twice system restore renamed some files. Now I have error messages beginning
> with Fatal Execution Error (0x7927f26e). When I tried system restore again I
> got a message that it cannot restore to the point I have selected. I have
> uninstalled the video editing software. How can I get back to a previous
> restore point or pinpoint and resolve the error message?
> Any help will be appreciated.

If you know the name of the package you removed, generally
you can remove all registry hooks to that package. That will
take a good working knowledge of the registry, and being
able to adequately work in the registry, as the system can
be damaged. Also you will need to remove any program folders
and program data folders associated with the application.

Visit Family Radio Today

May have your answer. Worth listening to anyway. -----

Was trying to install Lord of the Rings Online & got the same execution
engine error. Like you, went nuts on the web and at Microsoft. Two
things popped out.

People were having the same problem with different kinds of software,
some already installed for a long time.

Found HP Image Zone could be a problem. Finally was able to get rid of
it and replace it with HP Image Essentials. Corrected some problems, but
still had execution engine problem with some programs.

Finally – the solution (for me). Microsoft .Net files were screwed up.
Could not use Control Panel to get rid of them. Able to download
Microsoft .Net V2.0 for install, but just did a repair. Version 1.14 was
a real problem to get rid of. Finally was able to rename Microsoft .Net
v1.14 to a new name. When the software I was loading did not find the
.Net v1.14 on my system, it automatically loaded a new Microsoft .Net
v1.14 w/sp1 on my system and all my problems went away. Need several
.Net files loaded at one time.

Suspect that the .Net 1.0 or 1.14 files got corrupted. They were a bear
to get rid of. Renaming and download from Microsoft did not seem to
work. Microsoft may look in several places and reload (a corrupted) file
from windows software already installed. My Lord of the Rings program
most likely only looked for the one named file. When it did not see it,
it loaded a file (configed file) Microsoft .Net v1.14 that was on the
LOTRO software DVD. Key seems to be getting a good .Net 1.14 file from
somewhere and loading it.

(Note: When .Net 1.14 loaded, I was shocked to see how many files in so
many places where being affected/loaded)

As I said, once the .Net files were fixed my problems went away.


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