Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff: Top 10 tips and tricks you need to know!

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Allyson Kazmucha


Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff strategy guide: Help Peter and all your favorite characters rebuild Quahog faster and better than ever!​

In Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff, you're tasked with rebuilding Quahog after Peter and his chicken nemesis, Ernie, have destroyed it. In order to do so you'll have to help Peter clear the town of debris and find all the other characters. While coins are somewhat easy to come by, clams are not — unless of course you want to shell out some serious cash. That doesn't mean you have to though. If you've got a bit of patience and plan strategically, you and Peter can have Quahog thriving again in no time. Here are our top tips and tricks to help you along the way while spending the least amount of real world cash!

1. How to earn free clams and coins from your friends


You have the option to link your Facebook and Google+ accounts in The Quest for Stuff. If you have either I'd suggest linking them as it allows you to visit all your friend's versions of Quahog and collect money. Sometimes you may even wander across free clams in your friend's towns. Make a habit of checking in with friends once a day.

2. If you buy anything with real money, buy clams not coins


Coins are pretty easy to come by and rack up quickly. Clams on the other hand are more rare and are only rewarded for larger tasks or leveling up significantly. Every once in a while you may have an urge to rush the process of building Quahog. If you must buy anything with real money, it's better spend on clams. Also look for deals on specific purchases. Sometimes Quest for Stuff offers buy one get one sales on specific packages and those are normally the best deals.

3. Don't use your clams to rush tasks


We've already discussed how hard it is to come by clams so it's important not to blow them on the little things. Save them up for buildings and other tasks that will reap a higher reward. Don't spend clams to rush tasks. That leads me to my next tip..

4. Save longer tasks for before you close the game


If you have a task you need to complete that takes a longer period of time, save it for before you close the game. This way you aren't having to tie up an entire character while you're playing the game. Tie them up instead once you close out. It's a better use of your time, and the characters.

5. Make sure each character is doing something before you close the game


This ties in with the previous tip. Once you start unlocking more and more characters, it's important to make sure they're always working on something before you close the game out. This is a great way to make sure when you open the game you've racked up a decent amount of coins and XP. Letting them sit idle while you aren't playing just makes rebuilding Quahog and even more daunting task.

6. Hire more builders as you need them


At the beginning of the game you are only given one builder. That means if he is working on a project, you can't build anything else until that's done. The Quest for Stuff actually lets you hire up to four builders. Each one you add will cost you more clams but it's worth it as you start making more money and building XP faster as Quahog expands. Don't spend the clams right away but once you notice you have the coin to build multiple things simultaneously.

7. Short term tasks are a quick and easy way to boost your coin bank


While you're actually playing the game, spend some time racking up some coins quickly. The easiest way to do this is by making characters perform tasks that don't take a long time. Tasks that require a partner — such as Peter and Quagmire napping together — are great choices since you're earning XP and coins on two characters, not just one.

8. Build based on what earns you XP and coins


Tapping the info button in the inventory selector lets you see how much XP and how many coins you'll earn from a specific building or object. This is important because you don't want to build things that don't earn you currency and XP quickly. At least at the start, focus on buildings and items that earn you the most cash and XP. Then once you've got a cushion, build some fun items.

9. Store buildings and items you don't have room for right now


In build mode you can store buildings and objects that you don't have room for at the current time. This is convenient when you come across an instance where you want to build something new or better for cash flow than what you currently have but run out of room. Just store one item in order to build another. Then when you clear out more real estate, go ahead and place it back. The best part? It doesn't cost you anything.

10. FaceSpace is a quick and easy way to check your characters levels


FaceSpace is pretty much in-game Facebook for your characters. Not only is it entertaining to glance at from time to time, it's also a super easy way to check how much XP each character has accumulated and who you need to work on leveling up. Typically tasks get more time consuming and more expensive as a character levels up so finding ones that are lower can sometimes be a good time waster if other characters are busy.

Your Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff tips and tricks?

If you're currently playing your way through Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff, what are your top tips and tricks to level up faster and earn more clams? Do you spend real cash or do you patiently bide your time and just make better decisions when choosing how to expand Quahog? Let me know in the comments!




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