Fake Microsoft Telephone Call

allheart55 (Cindy E)

Jul 12, 2014
Levittown, Pennsylvania
My daughter was at my house this afternoon when she received a telephone call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft Technical Support. The man on the phone had a foreign accent and identified himself as Amanda. :D

He proceeded to explain to her that her computer was infected but that he could take care of it by connecting remotely. She had him on speaker phone. She told him she doesn't use Windows that she has nothing but Apple / Mac because Windows sucks. The scam artist yelled into the phone F$#@ You and hung up on her.

AND That's how she handled it. :big_ha:
My daughter got 2 in one day. One like yours. The other from the same person with same number a couple hours later telling her he was from the IRS and there was a problem with her tax refund.

I wonder if these people are inherently stupid or what.
Your daughter is very smart. I have a whistle in my desk drawer. I blow it as hard as I can. I have received a answer "Are you crazy?" I say yes I'm crazy and if you call again I will report you! I tried to report one and it doesn't do any good, even if you have the phone number. They wanted to send someone to my house and take a report. Hell I gave them the phone number. What's to report.
I am convinced the majority of them are using Verizon DSL lists because 98% of my customers who have had these are on Verizon. I mean if you were on Vz and got a call saying we see your internet is dog slow they would most certainly agree and that agreement is the way any good scam artists starts his scam!