Windows 2003 Exchange2k3, Again

  • Thread starter Thread starter NuBee
  • Start date Start date


From previous post (thanks for previous advice/guidance):

I am running w2k3 SP2 (PDC FSMO) with AD, IIS6.0, SMTP, NNSTP, ASP, ASPNET,
etc. I am trying to install Exchange Server 2003 on another win2k3 server
that is a member of the domain.

I logged in as the Administrator (built-in account of the FSMO) on the
win2k3 server that I want to install Ex2k3 on. I ran the dcdiag and netdiag
tools and everthing seemed fine in the logs that were generated.

So, I ran /forestprep with Ex2k3 setup. It said either I did not have
sufficeient privileges/permissions or that AD was too busy. I checked on
the FSMO and the built-in admin account is a member of Enterprise and Schema
admins. What do I do now?

Here is a partial dum from the Ex2k3 setup log:

[22:48:07] ************** Beginning Setup run **************
[22:48:07] Starting Exchange 6944 setup on Windows 5.2.3790.Service Pack 2
at 22:48:07 10/30/2007
[22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScInit
[22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
[22:48:07] CService::ScQueryServiceConfig
Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does not
exist as an installed service.
[22:48:07] ScGetClusterSvcDir
Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does not
exist as an installed service.
The operation has completed successfully.
[22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
[22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScInit
[22:48:07] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInit
[22:48:07] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInit
[22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInit
[22:48:07] Entering ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
[22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: Domain/workgroup = "COYOTEYOUNG"
[22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS = 3
[22:48:07] The computer is a member of a domain
[22:48:07] Leaving ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
[22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
[22:48:07] Getting information about the local domain
[22:48:07] m_strLocalServer = "SRV1"
[22:48:07] m_strLocalSite = "Default-First-Site-Name"
[22:48:07] DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation returned:
[22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
[22:48:07] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
[22:48:07] No user-specified DC setup has chosen m_strDC = "WWW1"
[22:48:08] schema master server name: WWW1
[22:48:08] schema master domain : /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
[22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDC = "WWW1"
[22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDCDomainDN = "/dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung"
[22:48:08] strConfigNC = "CN=Configuration,DC=coyoteyoung,DC=com"
[22:48:08] m_strRootDomain = ""
[22:48:08] m_strOwnershipControlDC = "WWW1"
[22:48:08] m_strPermissionControlDC = "WWW1"
[22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
[22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
[22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
[22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
[22:48:08] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion
[22:48:08] About to create the dob for object
[22:48:08] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion
[22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
[22:48:08] Entering ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
[22:48:08] ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on the
[22:48:08] Leaving ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
[22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
[22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
[22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Config NC:
[22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Read
[22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Write
[22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_SetPerms
[22:48:08] Checking permissions on the Schema container:
[22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_UpdateSchema
[22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Domain NC: /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
[22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Read
[22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Write
[22:48:08] Checking to see if an Exchange org exists
[22:48:08] ScGetExistingOrgName
Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on the
[22:48:08] Didn't find an org -- extending Config NC permissions to org/AG
[22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission (ExchOrg_Read |
[22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission (ExchOrg_Write |
[22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission (ExchOrg_SetPerms |
[22:48:08] We have already determined that we have inherited full AG-level
perms, so we're not checking at that level
[22:48:08] Final set of permissions: 0XF0C0E0E0
[22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
[22:48:08] We have sufficient admin rights, but:
[22:48:08] the schema is not up to date on the DC "WWW1"
[22:48:08] org-level objects are not present on the DC "WWW1"
[22:48:08] We must attempt to bind to the schema master
[22:48:08] We are in the same domain as the schema master, so we can
proceed m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
[22:48:08] Sanity check:
[22:48:08] m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
[22:48:08] m_psesToUse->m_strServerName = "WWW1"
[22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
[22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInit
[22:48:09] Beginning dump of component tree:
[22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange"
[22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation"
[22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Domain Preparation"
[22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services"
[22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes"
[22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Novell GroupWise"
[22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Calendar Connector"
[22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange System Management Tools"
[22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator"
[22:48:09] End dump of component tree
[22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Entering CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
[22:48:09] Component {C7310662-AC80-11D1-8DF3-00C04FB6EF4F} is dependable
[22:48:09] Component {DA943894-7A14-4FFF-BBDC-C004FAE2310B} is not dependable
[22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
[22:48:09] Component 1 is installed
[22:48:09] Component {94B7AD3E-0B63-42AC-A542-082ED1F78787} is not dependable
[22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
[22:48:09] Component 2 is installed
[22:48:09] Component {ECD1A63D-DBAF-442C-BF46-904364A96B00} is not dependable
[22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
[22:48:09] Component 3 is installed
[22:48:09] Leaving CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
[22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
[22:48:09] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
[22:48:09] Looking for the Exchange organization container
[22:48:09] Exchange organization container not found
[22:48:09] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped
The operation has completed successfully.
[22:48:09] This forest is not ForestPrepped
[22:48:09] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
[22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
[22:48:09] Entering ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
[22:48:09] Leaving ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
[22:48:09] User does have Domain Admin rights
[22:48:09] Leaving ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
[22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
[22:48:09] Entering CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
[22:48:09] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
[22:48:09] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
[22:48:09] Looking for the Exchange organization container
[22:48:09] Exchange organization container not found
[22:48:09] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped
The operation has completed successfully.
[22:48:09] This forest is not ForestPrepped
[22:48:09] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
[22:48:15] Entering CFileManager::ScSetInstallDestDir(sz)
[22:48:15] Leaving CFileManager::ScSetInstallDestDir(sz)
[22:48:15] Entering CCompForestPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode
[22:48:15] Leaving CCompForestPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode
[22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwMajorVersion = 5
[22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwMinorVersion = 2
[22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwBuildNumber = 3790
[22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwPlatformId = 2
[22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.szCSDVersion = 'Service Pack 2'
[22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wServicePackMajor = 2
[22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wServicePackMinor = 0
[22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wSuiteMask = 0X0112
[22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wProductType = 3
[22:48:15] Entering
[22:48:15] Checking to see whether "COYOTEYOUNG\Exchange Domain Servers" has
READ permissions on the Microsoft Exchange container
[22:48:15] Entering ScTestAceOnObject
[22:48:15] Attempting to get DOB for DN
"/dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange"
[22:48:15] Couldn't create DOB (probably object does not exist) sc =
[22:48:15] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScTestAceOnObject - during
SES::ScCreateDob (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:2475)
The operation has completed successfully.
[22:48:15] The ACE tested for is not present in the ACL of this object
[22:48:15] Leaving ScTestAceOnObject
[22:48:15] The Domain Servers group does not have READ permissions on the
Exchange container
[22:48:15] ScGetExistingOrgName
Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on the
[22:48:15] The required permissions have not already been set
[22:48:15] Leaving
[22:48:15] Entering ScDetermineIfLocalDomainRUSHasAlreadyBeenCreated
[22:48:15] Entering ScConstructAddressListServiceDNAndCN
[22:48:15] Leaving ScConstructAddressListServiceDNAndCN
[22:48:15] Leaving ScDetermineIfLocalDomainRUSHasAlreadyBeenCreated
[22:48:15] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion
[22:48:15] About to create the dob for object
[22:48:15] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion
[22:48:47] ScRunLDIFScript
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:48:47] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:48:47] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 250 msec.
[22:49:19] ScRunLDIFScript
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:49:19] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:49:19] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 500 msec.
[22:49:52] ScRunLDIFScript
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:49:52] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:49:52] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 750 msec.
[22:50:25] ScRunLDIFScript
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:50:25] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:50:25] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 1683 msec.
[22:50:58] ScRunLDIFScript
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:50:58] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:50:58] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 2594 msec.
[22:51:33] ScRunLDIFScript
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:51:33] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:51:33] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 4335 msec.
[22:52:09] ScRunLDIFScript
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:52:09] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:52:09] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 16072 msec.
[22:52:57] ScRunLDIFScript
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:52:57] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:52:57] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 31663 msec.
[22:54:01] ScRunLDIFScript
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:54:01] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:54:01] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 62827 msec.
[22:55:36] ScRunLDIFScript
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:55:36] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:55:36] DSCallHelper::FRetry
Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is busy.
[22:55:36] ScCanUserUpgradeSchema
Error code 0XC1034A2A (18986): Failed to contact Windows Domain
[22:55:36] - Either you do not have permission to update the Active
Directory schema or Active Directory service is currently too busy. --
ID:62081 --
[22:55:36] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation
failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation" cannot be
assigned the action "ForestPrep" because:
- Either you do not have permission to update the Active Directory schema
or Active Directory service is currently too busy.

[22:55:36] Entering CCompDomainPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode
[22:55:36] Leaving CCompDomainPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode
[22:55:36] - Either you do not have permission to update the Active
Directory schema or Active Directory service is currently too busy. --
ID:62081 --
[22:55:36] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Domain Preparation
failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation" cannot be
assigned the action "ForestPrep" because:
- Either you do not have permission to update the Active Directory schema
or Active Directory service is currently too busy.

[22:55:36] - Either you do not have permission to update the Active
Directory schema or Active Directory service is currently too busy. --
ID:62081 --
[22:55:36] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Messaging and
Collaboration Services failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Forest
Preparation" cannot be assigned the action "ForestPrep" because:
- Either you do not have permission to update the Active Directory schema
or Active Directory service is currently too busy.

[22:55:36] - Either you do not have permission to update the Active
Directory schema or Active Directory service is currently too busy. --
ID:62081 --
[22:55:36] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus
Notes failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation" cannot be
assigned the action "ForestPrep" because:
- Either you do not have permission to update the Active Directory schema
or Active Directory service is currently too busy.

What do I do now?
Hello NuBee,

Check this one:

And better do not post a new thread, if you have an old one belonging to
the same problem. Easier to follow and the old one has still an open question
from Mathieu.

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!!

> From previous post (thanks for previous advice/guidance):
> I am running w2k3 SP2 (PDC FSMO) with AD, IIS6.0, SMTP, NNSTP, ASP,
> ASPNET, etc. I am trying to install Exchange Server 2003 on another
> win2k3 server that is a member of the domain.
> I logged in as the Administrator (built-in account of the FSMO) on the
> win2k3 server that I want to install Ex2k3 on. I ran the dcdiag and
> netdiag tools and everthing seemed fine in the logs that were
> generated.
> So, I ran /forestprep with Ex2k3 setup. It said either I did not have
> sufficeient privileges/permissions or that AD was too busy. I checked
> on the FSMO and the built-in admin account is a member of Enterprise
> and Schema admins. What do I do now?
> Here is a partial dum from the Ex2k3 setup log:
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ///////////////////
> [22:48:07] ************** Beginning Setup run **************
> [22:48:07] Starting Exchange 6944 setup on Windows 5.2.3790.Service
> Pack 2
> at 22:48:07 10/30/2007
> [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScInit
> [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> [22:48:07] CService::ScQueryServiceConfig
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\service.cxx:539)
> Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
> not
> exist as an installed service.
> [22:48:07] ScGetClusterSvcDir
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:2346)
> Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
> not
> exist as an installed service.
> [22:48:07] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS ===
> CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\filemgr.cxx:604)
> The operation has completed successfully.
> [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScInit
> [22:48:07] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInit
> [22:48:07] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInit
> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInit
> [22:48:07] Entering ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
> [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: Domain/workgroup = "COYOTEYOUNG"
> [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS = 3
> [22:48:07] The computer is a member of a domain
> [22:48:07] Leaving ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
> [22:48:07] Getting information about the local domain
> [22:48:07] m_strLocalServer = "SRV1"
> [22:48:07] m_strLocalSite = "Default-First-Site-Name"
> [22:48:07] DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation returned:
> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::Flags = 1000000
> ""
> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainForestName =
> ""
> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
> [22:48:07] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
> [22:48:07] No user-specified DC setup has chosen m_strDC = "WWW1"
> [22:48:08] schema master server name: WWW1
> [22:48:08] schema master domain : /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
> [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDC = "WWW1"
> [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDCDomainDN = "/dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung"
> [22:48:08] strConfigNC = "CN=Configuration,DC=coyoteyoung,DC=com"
> [22:48:08] m_strRootDomain = ""
> [22:48:08] m_strOwnershipControlDC = "WWW1"
> [22:48:08] m_strPermissionControlDC = "WWW1"
> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
> [22:48:08] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion
> [22:48:08] About to create the dob for object
> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema/cn=ms-Exch-Schema-Ve
> rsion-Pt
> [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion
> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
> [22:48:08] Entering ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> [22:48:08] ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:517)
> Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
> the
> server.
> [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
> [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Config NC:
> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Services
> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Read
> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Write
> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_SetPerms
> [22:48:08] Checking permissions on the Schema container:
> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema
> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_UpdateSchema
> [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Domain NC:
> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
> [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Read
> [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Write
> [22:48:08] Checking to see if an Exchange org exists
> [22:48:08] ScGetExistingOrgName
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:1476)
> Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
> the
> server.
> [22:48:08] Didn't find an org -- extending Config NC permissions to
> org/AG
> level
> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission (ExchOrg_Read
> |
> ExchAG_Read)
> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
> (ExchOrg_Write |
> ExchAG_Write)
> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
> (ExchOrg_SetPerms |
> ExchAG_SetPerms)
> [22:48:08] We have already determined that we have inherited full
> AG-level
> perms, so we're not checking at that level
> [22:48:08] Final set of permissions: 0XF0C0E0E0
> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
> [22:48:08] We have sufficient admin rights, but:
> [22:48:08] the schema is not up to date on the DC "WWW1"
> [22:48:08] org-level objects are not present on the DC "WWW1"
> [22:48:08] We must attempt to bind to the schema master
> [22:48:08] We are in the same domain as the schema master, so we can
> proceed m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
> [22:48:08] Sanity check:
> [22:48:08] m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
> [22:48:08] m_psesToUse->m_strServerName = "WWW1"
> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInit
> [22:48:09] Beginning dump of component tree:
> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange"
> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation"
> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Domain Preparation"
> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration
> Services"
> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes"
> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Novell
> GroupWise"
> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Calendar Connector"
> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange System Management Tools"
> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator"
> [22:48:09] End dump of component tree
> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
> [22:48:09] Component {C7310662-AC80-11D1-8DF3-00C04FB6EF4F} is
> dependable
> [22:48:09] Component {DA943894-7A14-4FFF-BBDC-C004FAE2310B} is not
> dependable
> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> [22:48:09] Component 1 is installed
> [22:48:09] Component {94B7AD3E-0B63-42AC-A542-082ED1F78787} is not
> dependable
> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> [22:48:09] Component 2 is installed
> [22:48:09] Component {ECD1A63D-DBAF-442C-BF46-904364A96B00} is not
> dependable
> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> [22:48:09] Component 3 is installed
> [22:48:09] Leaving CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
> [22:48:09] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
> [22:48:09] Looking for the Exchange organization container
> [22:48:09] Exchange organization container not found
> [22:48:09] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:1210)
> The operation has completed successfully.
> [22:48:09] This forest is not ForestPrepped
> [22:48:09] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
> [22:48:09] Entering ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
> [22:48:09] Leaving ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
> [22:48:09] User does have Domain Admin rights
> [22:48:09] Leaving ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering
> CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
> [22:48:09] Leaving
> CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> [22:48:09] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
> [22:48:09] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
> [22:48:09] Looking for the Exchange organization container
> [22:48:09] Exchange organization container not found
> [22:48:09] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:1210)
> The operation has completed successfully.
> [22:48:09] This forest is not ForestPrepped
> [22:48:09] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
> [22:48:15] Entering CFileManager::ScSetInstallDestDir(sz)
> [22:48:15] Leaving CFileManager::ScSetInstallDestDir(sz)
> [22:48:15] Entering CCompForestPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode
> [22:48:15] Leaving CCompForestPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode
> [22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwMajorVersion = 5
> [22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwMinorVersion = 2
> [22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwBuildNumber = 3790
> [22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwPlatformId = 2
> [22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.szCSDVersion = 'Service
> Pack 2'
> [22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wServicePackMajor = 2
> [22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wServicePackMinor = 0
> [22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wSuiteMask = 0X0112
> [22:48:15] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wProductType = 3
> [22:48:15] Entering
> ScDetermineIfLocalDomainServerGroupHasAlreadyBeenACLedOnExchangeCT
> [22:48:15] Checking to see whether "COYOTEYOUNG\Exchange Domain
> Servers" has
> READ permissions on the Microsoft Exchange container
> [22:48:15] Entering ScTestAceOnObject
> [22:48:15] Attempting to get DOB for DN
> "/dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft
> Exchange"
> [22:48:15] Couldn't create DOB (probably object does not exist) sc =
> 0X80072030
> [22:48:15] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScTestAceOnObject - during
> SES::ScCreateDob
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:2475)
> The operation has completed successfully.
> [22:48:15] The ACE tested for is not present in the ACL of this object
> [22:48:15] Leaving ScTestAceOnObject
> [22:48:15] The Domain Servers group does not have READ permissions on
> the
> Exchange container
> [22:48:15] ScGetExistingOrgName
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:1476)
> Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
> the
> server.
> [22:48:15] The required permissions have not already been set
> [22:48:15] Leaving
> ScDetermineIfLocalDomainServerGroupHasAlreadyBeenACLedOnExchangeCT
> [22:48:15] Entering ScDetermineIfLocalDomainRUSHasAlreadyBeenCreated
> [22:48:15] Entering ScConstructAddressListServiceDNAndCN
> [22:48:15] Leaving ScConstructAddressListServiceDNAndCN
> [22:48:15] Leaving ScDetermineIfLocalDomainRUSHasAlreadyBeenCreated
> [22:48:15] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion
> [22:48:15] About to create the dob for object
> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema/cn=ms-Exch-Schema-Ve
> rsion-Pt
> [22:48:15] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion
> [22:48:47] ScRunLDIFScript
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1309)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:48:47] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1408)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:48:47] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 250 msec.
> [22:49:19] ScRunLDIFScript
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1309)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:49:19] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1408)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:49:19] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 500 msec.
> [22:49:52] ScRunLDIFScript
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1309)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:49:52] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1408)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:49:52] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 750 msec.
> [22:50:25] ScRunLDIFScript
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1309)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:50:25] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1408)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:50:25] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 1683 msec.
> [22:50:58] ScRunLDIFScript
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1309)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:50:58] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1408)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:50:58] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 2594 msec.
> [22:51:33] ScRunLDIFScript
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1309)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:51:33] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1408)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:51:33] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 4335 msec.
> [22:52:09] ScRunLDIFScript
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1309)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:52:09] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1408)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:52:09] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 16072 msec.
> [22:52:57] ScRunLDIFScript
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1309)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:52:57] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1408)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:52:57] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 31663 msec.
> [22:54:01] ScRunLDIFScript
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1309)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:54:01] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1408)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:54:01] DS or RPC is busy. Sleep 62827 msec.
> [22:55:36] ScRunLDIFScript
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1309)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:55:36] ScImportActiveDSSchemaChanges
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1408)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:55:36] DSCallHelper::FRetry
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\base\ds_call.cxx:49)
> Error code 0XC007200E (8206): The directory service is
> busy.
> [22:55:36] ScCanUserUpgradeSchema
> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1623)
> Error code 0XC1034A2A (18986): Failed to contact Windows
> Domain
> Controller.
> [22:55:36] - Either you do not have permission to update the Active
> Directory schema or Active Directory service is currently too busy. --
> ID:62081 --
> [22:55:36] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation
> failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation" cannot
> be
> assigned the action "ForestPrep" because:
> - Either you do not have permission to update the Active Directory
> schema
> or Active Directory service is currently too busy.
> [22:55:36] Entering CCompDomainPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode
> [22:55:36] Leaving CCompDomainPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode
> [22:55:36] - Either you do not have permission to update the Active
> Directory schema or Active Directory service is currently too busy. --
> ID:62081 --
> [22:55:36] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Domain Preparation
> failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation" cannot
> be
> assigned the action "ForestPrep" because:
> - Either you do not have permission to update the Active Directory
> schema
> or Active Directory service is currently too busy.
> [22:55:36] - Either you do not have permission to update the Active
> Directory schema or Active Directory service is currently too busy. --
> ID:62081 --
> [22:55:36] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Messaging and
> Collaboration Services failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange
> Forest
> Preparation" cannot be assigned the action "ForestPrep" because:
> - Either you do not have permission to update the Active Directory
> schema
> or Active Directory service is currently too busy.
> [22:55:36] - Either you do not have permission to update the Active
> Directory schema or Active Directory service is currently too busy. --
> ID:62081 --
> [22:55:36] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Connector for
> Lotus
> Notes failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation"
> cannot be
> assigned the action "ForestPrep" because:
> - Either you do not have permission to update the Active Directory
> schema
> or Active Directory service is currently too busy.
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> What do I do now?
Thank you for the microsoft web reference. I have a book that tells me what
this refence tells me. My problem is interpreting what the problem is (hence,
the pasted log file). I have met all the requirements stated in the
reference you provided. I ran dcdiag and netdiag ... everything seemed fine
fromn these logs. I am at a loss as what to do next.?????

"Meinolf Weber" wrote:

> Hello NuBee,
> Check this one:
> And better do not post a new thread, if you have an old one belonging to
> the same problem. Easier to follow and the old one has still an open question
> from Mathieu.
> Best regards
> Meinolf Weber
> Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
> no rights.
> ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
> ** HELP us help YOU!!!
> > From previous post (thanks for previous advice/guidance):
> >
> > I am running w2k3 SP2 (PDC FSMO) with AD, IIS6.0, SMTP, NNSTP, ASP,
> > ASPNET, etc. I am trying to install Exchange Server 2003 on another
> > win2k3 server that is a member of the domain.
> >
> > I logged in as the Administrator (built-in account of the FSMO) on the
> > win2k3 server that I want to install Ex2k3 on. I ran the dcdiag and
> > netdiag tools and everthing seemed fine in the logs that were
> > generated.
> >
> > So, I ran /forestprep with Ex2k3 setup. It said either I did not have
> > sufficeient privileges/permissions or that AD was too busy. I checked
> > on the FSMO and the built-in admin account is a member of Enterprise
> > and Schema admins. What do I do now?
> >
> > Here is a partial dum from the Ex2k3 setup log:
> > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > ///////////////////
> > [22:48:07] ************** Beginning Setup run **************
> > [22:48:07] Starting Exchange 6944 setup on Windows 5.2.3790.Service
> > Pack 2
> > at 22:48:07 10/30/2007
> > [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScInit
> > [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> > [22:48:07] CService::ScQueryServiceConfig
> > (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\service.cxx:539)
> > Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
> > not
> > exist as an installed service.
> > [22:48:07] ScGetClusterSvcDir
> > (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:2346)
> > Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
> > not
> > exist as an installed service.
> > [22:48:07] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS ===
> > CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> > (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\filemgr.cxx:604)
> > The operation has completed successfully.
> > [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> > [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScInit
> > [22:48:07] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInit
> > [22:48:07] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInit
> > [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInit
> > [22:48:07] Entering ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
> > [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: Domain/workgroup = "COYOTEYOUNG"
> > [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS = 3
> > [22:48:07] The computer is a member of a domain
> > [22:48:07] Leaving ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
> > [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
> > [22:48:07] Getting information about the local domain
> > [22:48:07] m_strLocalServer = "SRV1"
> > [22:48:07] m_strLocalSite = "Default-First-Site-Name"
> > [22:48:07] DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation returned:
> > [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::MachineRole = 3
> > [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::Flags = 1000000
> > [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameFlat =
> > ""
> > [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainForestName =
> > ""
> > [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
> > [22:48:07] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
> > [22:48:07] No user-specified DC setup has chosen m_strDC = "WWW1"
> > [22:48:08] schema master server name: WWW1
> > [22:48:08] schema master domain : /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
> > [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDC = "WWW1"
> > [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDCDomainDN = "/dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung"
> > [22:48:08] strConfigNC = "CN=Configuration,DC=coyoteyoung,DC=com"
> > [22:48:08] m_strRootDomain = ""
> > [22:48:08] m_strOwnershipControlDC = "WWW1"
> > [22:48:08] m_strPermissionControlDC = "WWW1"
> > [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
> > [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
> > [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
> > [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
> > [22:48:08] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion
> > [22:48:08] About to create the dob for object
> > /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema/cn=ms-Exch-Schema-Ve
> > rsion-Pt
> > [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion
> > [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
> > [22:48:08] Entering ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> > [22:48:08] ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> > (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:517)
> > Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
> > the
> > server.
> > [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> > [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
> > [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
> > [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Config NC:
> > /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Services
> > [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Read
> > [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Write
> > [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_SetPerms
> > [22:48:08] Checking permissions on the Schema container:
> > /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema
> > [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_UpdateSchema
> > [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Domain NC:
> > /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
> > [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Read
> > [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Write
> > [22:48:08] Checking to see if an Exchange org exists
> > [22:48:08] ScGetExistingOrgName
> > (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:1476)
> > Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
> > the
> > server.
> > [22:48:08] Didn't find an org -- extending Config NC permissions to
> > org/AG
> > level
> > [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission (ExchOrg_Read
> > |
> > ExchAG_Read)
> > [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
> > (ExchOrg_Write |
> > ExchAG_Write)
> > [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
> > (ExchOrg_SetPerms |
> > ExchAG_SetPerms)
> > [22:48:08] We have already determined that we have inherited full
> > AG-level
> > perms, so we're not checking at that level
> > [22:48:08] Final set of permissions: 0XF0C0E0E0
> > [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
> > [22:48:08] We have sufficient admin rights, but:
> > [22:48:08] the schema is not up to date on the DC "WWW1"
> > [22:48:08] org-level objects are not present on the DC "WWW1"
> > [22:48:08] We must attempt to bind to the schema master
> > [22:48:08] We are in the same domain as the schema master, so we can
> > proceed m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
> > [22:48:08] Sanity check:
> > [22:48:08] m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
> > [22:48:08] m_psesToUse->m_strServerName = "WWW1"
> > [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
> > [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInit
> > [22:48:09] Beginning dump of component tree:
> > [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange"
> > [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation"
> > [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Domain Preparation"
> > [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration
> > Services"
> > [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes"
> > [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Novell
> > GroupWise"
> > [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Calendar Connector"
> > [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange System Management Tools"
> > [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator"
> > [22:48:09] End dump of component tree
> > [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving
> > CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
> > [22:48:09] Component {C7310662-AC80-11D1-8DF3-00C04FB6EF4F} is
> > dependable
> > [22:48:09] Component {DA943894-7A14-4FFF-BBDC-C004FAE2310B} is not
> > dependable
> > [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> > (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> > Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> > [22:48:09] Component 1 is installed
> > [22:48:09] Component {94B7AD3E-0B63-42AC-A542-082ED1F78787} is not
> > dependable
> > [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> > (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> > Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> > [22:48:09] Component 2 is installed
> > [22:48:09] Component {ECD1A63D-DBAF-442C-BF46-904364A96B00} is not
> > dependable
> > [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> > (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> > Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> > [22:48:09] Component 3 is installed
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
> > [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
> > [22:48:09] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
> > [22:48:09] Looking for the Exchange organization container
> > [22:48:09] Exchange organization container not found
> > [22:48:09] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped
> > (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:1210)
> > The operation has completed successfully.
> > [22:48:09] This forest is not ForestPrepped
> > [22:48:09] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
> > [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Entering CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
> > [22:48:09] Entering ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
> > [22:48:09] Leaving ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
> > [22:48:09] User does have Domain Admin rights
> > [22:48:09] Leaving ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
> > [22:48:09] Leaving
> > CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving
> > CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving
> > CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving
> > CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
> > [22:48:09] Leaving
> > CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving
> > CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving
> > CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
> > [22:48:09] Leaving
> > CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving
> > CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering
> > CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
> > [22:48:09] Leaving
> > CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> > [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> > [22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> > [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
Hello NuBee,

Did you run the forestprep command on the schema master itself or on the
member server?

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!!

> Thank you for the microsoft web reference. I have a book that tells
> me what this refence tells me. My problem is interpreting what the
> problem is (hence, the pasted log file). I have met all the
> requirements stated in the reference you provided. I ran dcdiag and
> netdiag ... everything seemed fine fromn these logs. I am at a loss
> as what to do next.?????
> "Meinolf Weber" wrote:
>> Hello NuBee,
>> Check this one:
>> And better do not post a new thread, if you have an old one belonging
>> to the same problem. Easier to follow and the old one has still an
>> open question from Mathieu.
>> Best regards
>> Meinolf Weber
>> Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
>> confers
>> no rights.
>> ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
>> ** HELP us help YOU!!!
>>> From previous post (thanks for previous advice/guidance):
>>> I am running w2k3 SP2 (PDC FSMO) with AD, IIS6.0, SMTP, NNSTP, ASP,
>>> ASPNET, etc. I am trying to install Exchange Server 2003 on another
>>> win2k3 server that is a member of the domain.
>>> I logged in as the Administrator (built-in account of the FSMO) on
>>> the win2k3 server that I want to install Ex2k3 on. I ran the dcdiag
>>> and netdiag tools and everthing seemed fine in the logs that were
>>> generated.
>>> So, I ran /forestprep with Ex2k3 setup. It said either I did not
>>> have sufficeient privileges/permissions or that AD was too busy. I
>>> checked on the FSMO and the built-in admin account is a member of
>>> Enterprise and Schema admins. What do I do now?
>>> Here is a partial dum from the Ex2k3 setup log:
>>> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> //
>>> ///////////////////
>>> [22:48:07] ************** Beginning Setup run **************
>>> [22:48:07] Starting Exchange 6944 setup on Windows 5.2.3790.Service
>>> Pack 2
>>> at 22:48:07 10/30/2007
>>> [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScInit
>>> [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
>>> [22:48:07] CService::ScQueryServiceConfig
>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\service.cxx:539)
>>> Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
>>> not
>>> exist as an installed service.
>>> [22:48:07] ScGetClusterSvcDir
>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:2346)
>>> Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
>>> not
>>> exist as an installed service.
>>> [22:48:07] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS ===
>>> CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\filemgr.cxx:604)
>>> The operation has completed successfully.
>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScInit
>>> [22:48:07] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInit
>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInit
>>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInit
>>> [22:48:07] Entering ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
>>> [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: Domain/workgroup = "COYOTEYOUNG"
>>> [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS = 3
>>> [22:48:07] The computer is a member of a domain
>>> [22:48:07] Leaving ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
>>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
>>> [22:48:07] Getting information about the local domain
>>> [22:48:07] m_strLocalServer = "SRV1"
>>> [22:48:07] m_strLocalSite = "Default-First-Site-Name"
>>> [22:48:07] DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation returned:
>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::MachineRole = 3
>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::Flags = 1000000
>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameFlat =
>>> ""
>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainForestName =
>>> ""
>>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
>>> [22:48:07] No user-specified DC setup has chosen m_strDC = "WWW1"
>>> [22:48:08] schema master server name: WWW1
>>> [22:48:08] schema master domain : /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
>>> [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDC = "WWW1"
>>> [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDCDomainDN = "/dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung"
>>> [22:48:08] strConfigNC = "CN=Configuration,DC=coyoteyoung,DC=com"
>>> [22:48:08] m_strRootDomain = ""
>>> [22:48:08] m_strOwnershipControlDC = "WWW1"
>>> [22:48:08] m_strPermissionControlDC = "WWW1"
>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
>>> [22:48:08] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion
>>> [22:48:08] About to create the dob for object
>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema/cn=ms-Exch-Schema-
>>> Ve
>>> rsion-Pt
>>> [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion
>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
>>> [22:48:08] Entering ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
>>> [22:48:08] ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:517)
>>> Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
>>> the
>>> server.
>>> [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
>>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Config NC:
>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Services
>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Read
>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Write
>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_SetPerms
>>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions on the Schema container:
>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema
>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_UpdateSchema
>>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Domain NC:
>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
>>> [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Read
>>> [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Write
>>> [22:48:08] Checking to see if an Exchange org exists
>>> [22:48:08] ScGetExistingOrgName
>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:1476)
>>> Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
>>> the
>>> server.
>>> [22:48:08] Didn't find an org -- extending Config NC permissions to
>>> org/AG
>>> level
>>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
>>> (ExchOrg_Read
>>> |
>>> ExchAG_Read)
>>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
>>> (ExchOrg_Write |
>>> ExchAG_Write)
>>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
>>> (ExchOrg_SetPerms |
>>> ExchAG_SetPerms)
>>> [22:48:08] We have already determined that we have inherited full
>>> AG-level
>>> perms, so we're not checking at that level
>>> [22:48:08] Final set of permissions: 0XF0C0E0E0
>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
>>> [22:48:08] We have sufficient admin rights, but:
>>> [22:48:08] the schema is not up to date on the DC "WWW1"
>>> [22:48:08] org-level objects are not present on the DC "WWW1"
>>> [22:48:08] We must attempt to bind to the schema master
>>> [22:48:08] We are in the same domain as the schema master, so we can
>>> proceed m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
>>> [22:48:08] Sanity check:
>>> [22:48:08] m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
>>> [22:48:08] m_psesToUse->m_strServerName = "WWW1"
>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInit
>>> [22:48:09] Beginning dump of component tree:
>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange"
>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation"
>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Domain Preparation"
>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration
>>> Services"
>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes"
>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Novell
>>> GroupWise"
>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Calendar Connector"
>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange System Management Tools"
>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator"
>>> [22:48:09] End dump of component tree
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
>>> [22:48:09] Component {C7310662-AC80-11D1-8DF3-00C04FB6EF4F} is
>>> dependable
>>> [22:48:09] Component {DA943894-7A14-4FFF-BBDC-C004FAE2310B} is not
>>> dependable
>>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
>>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
>>> [22:48:09] Component 1 is installed
>>> [22:48:09] Component {94B7AD3E-0B63-42AC-A542-082ED1F78787} is not
>>> dependable
>>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
>>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
>>> [22:48:09] Component 2 is installed
>>> [22:48:09] Component {ECD1A63D-DBAF-442C-BF46-904364A96B00} is not
>>> dependable
>>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
>>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
>>> [22:48:09] Component 3 is installed
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
>>> [22:48:09] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
>>> [22:48:09] Looking for the Exchange organization container
>>> [22:48:09] Exchange organization container not found
>>> [22:48:09] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped
>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:1210)
>>> The operation has completed successfully.
>>> [22:48:09] This forest is not ForestPrepped
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
>>> [22:48:09] Entering ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
>>> [22:48:09] User does have Domain Admin rights
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>> CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>> CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
I log-on at the member server with the built-in administrator account of the
Schema Master to run the Ex2k3 setup. Should I be doing something

"Meinolf Weber" wrote:

> Hello NuBee,
> Did you run the forestprep command on the schema master itself or on the
> member server?
> Best regards
> Meinolf Weber
> Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
> no rights.
> ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
> ** HELP us help YOU!!!
> > Thank you for the microsoft web reference. I have a book that tells
> > me what this refence tells me. My problem is interpreting what the
> > problem is (hence, the pasted log file). I have met all the
> > requirements stated in the reference you provided. I ran dcdiag and
> > netdiag ... everything seemed fine fromn these logs. I am at a loss
> > as what to do next.?????
> >
> > "Meinolf Weber" wrote:
> >
> >> Hello NuBee,
> >>
> >> Check this one:
> >>
> >> And better do not post a new thread, if you have an old one belonging
> >> to the same problem. Easier to follow and the old one has still an
> >> open question from Mathieu.
> >>
> >> Best regards
> >>
> >> Meinolf Weber
> >> Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
> >> confers
> >> no rights.
> >> ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
> >> ** HELP us help YOU!!!
> >>> From previous post (thanks for previous advice/guidance):
> >>>
> >>> I am running w2k3 SP2 (PDC FSMO) with AD, IIS6.0, SMTP, NNSTP, ASP,
> >>> ASPNET, etc. I am trying to install Exchange Server 2003 on another
> >>> win2k3 server that is a member of the domain.
> >>>
> >>> I logged in as the Administrator (built-in account of the FSMO) on
> >>> the win2k3 server that I want to install Ex2k3 on. I ran the dcdiag
> >>> and netdiag tools and everthing seemed fine in the logs that were
> >>> generated.
> >>>
> >>> So, I ran /forestprep with Ex2k3 setup. It said either I did not
> >>> have sufficeient privileges/permissions or that AD was too busy. I
> >>> checked on the FSMO and the built-in admin account is a member of
> >>> Enterprise and Schema admins. What do I do now?
> >>>
> >>> Here is a partial dum from the Ex2k3 setup log:
> >>> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >>> //
> >>> ///////////////////
> >>> [22:48:07] ************** Beginning Setup run **************
> >>> [22:48:07] Starting Exchange 6944 setup on Windows 5.2.3790.Service
> >>> Pack 2
> >>> at 22:48:07 10/30/2007
> >>> [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScInit
> >>> [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> >>> [22:48:07] CService::ScQueryServiceConfig
> >>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\service.cxx:539)
> >>> Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
> >>> not
> >>> exist as an installed service.
> >>> [22:48:07] ScGetClusterSvcDir
> >>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:2346)
> >>> Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
> >>> not
> >>> exist as an installed service.
> >>> [22:48:07] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS ===
> >>> CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> >>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\filemgr.cxx:604)
> >>> The operation has completed successfully.
> >>> [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> >>> [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScInit
> >>> [22:48:07] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInit
> >>> [22:48:07] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInit
> >>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInit
> >>> [22:48:07] Entering ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
> >>> [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: Domain/workgroup = "COYOTEYOUNG"
> >>> [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS = 3
> >>> [22:48:07] The computer is a member of a domain
> >>> [22:48:07] Leaving ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
> >>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
> >>> [22:48:07] Getting information about the local domain
> >>> [22:48:07] m_strLocalServer = "SRV1"
> >>> [22:48:07] m_strLocalSite = "Default-First-Site-Name"
> >>> [22:48:07] DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation returned:
> >>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::MachineRole = 3
> >>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::Flags = 1000000
> >>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameFlat =
> >>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameDns =
> >>> ""
> >>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainForestName =
> >>> ""
> >>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
> >>> [22:48:07] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
> >>> [22:48:07] No user-specified DC setup has chosen m_strDC = "WWW1"
> >>> [22:48:08] schema master server name: WWW1
> >>> [22:48:08] schema master domain : /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
> >>> [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDC = "WWW1"
> >>> [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDCDomainDN = "/dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung"
> >>> [22:48:08] strConfigNC = "CN=Configuration,DC=coyoteyoung,DC=com"
> >>> [22:48:08] m_strRootDomain = ""
> >>> [22:48:08] m_strOwnershipControlDC = "WWW1"
> >>> [22:48:08] m_strPermissionControlDC = "WWW1"
> >>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
> >>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
> >>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
> >>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
> >>> [22:48:08] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion
> >>> [22:48:08] About to create the dob for object
> >>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema/cn=ms-Exch-Schema-
> >>> Ve
> >>> rsion-Pt
> >>> [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion
> >>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
> >>> [22:48:08] Entering ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> >>> [22:48:08] ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> >>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:517)
> >>> Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
> >>> the
> >>> server.
> >>> [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> >>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
> >>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
> >>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Config NC:
> >>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Services
> >>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Read
> >>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Write
> >>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_SetPerms
> >>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions on the Schema container:
> >>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema
> >>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_UpdateSchema
> >>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Domain NC:
> >>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
> >>> [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Read
> >>> [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Write
> >>> [22:48:08] Checking to see if an Exchange org exists
> >>> [22:48:08] ScGetExistingOrgName
> >>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:1476)
> >>> Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
> >>> the
> >>> server.
> >>> [22:48:08] Didn't find an org -- extending Config NC permissions to
> >>> org/AG
> >>> level
> >>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
> >>> (ExchOrg_Read
> >>> |
> >>> ExchAG_Read)
> >>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
> >>> (ExchOrg_Write |
> >>> ExchAG_Write)
> >>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
> >>> (ExchOrg_SetPerms |
> >>> ExchAG_SetPerms)
> >>> [22:48:08] We have already determined that we have inherited full
> >>> AG-level
> >>> perms, so we're not checking at that level
> >>> [22:48:08] Final set of permissions: 0XF0C0E0E0
> >>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
> >>> [22:48:08] We have sufficient admin rights, but:
> >>> [22:48:08] the schema is not up to date on the DC "WWW1"
> >>> [22:48:08] org-level objects are not present on the DC "WWW1"
> >>> [22:48:08] We must attempt to bind to the schema master
> >>> [22:48:08] We are in the same domain as the schema master, so we can
> >>> proceed m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
> >>> [22:48:08] Sanity check:
> >>> [22:48:08] m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
> >>> [22:48:08] m_psesToUse->m_strServerName = "WWW1"
> >>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
> >>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInit
> >>> [22:48:09] Beginning dump of component tree:
> >>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange"
> >>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation"
> >>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Domain Preparation"
> >>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration
> >>> Services"
> >>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes"
> >>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Novell
> >>> GroupWise"
> >>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Calendar Connector"
> >>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange System Management Tools"
> >>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator"
> >>> [22:48:09] End dump of component tree
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>> CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
> >>> [22:48:09] Component {C7310662-AC80-11D1-8DF3-00C04FB6EF4F} is
> >>> dependable
> >>> [22:48:09] Component {DA943894-7A14-4FFF-BBDC-C004FAE2310B} is not
> >>> dependable
> >>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> >>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> >>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> >>> [22:48:09] Component 1 is installed
> >>> [22:48:09] Component {94B7AD3E-0B63-42AC-A542-082ED1F78787} is not
> >>> dependable
> >>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> >>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> >>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> >>> [22:48:09] Component 2 is installed
> >>> [22:48:09] Component {ECD1A63D-DBAF-442C-BF46-904364A96B00} is not
> >>> dependable
> >>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> >>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> >>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> >>> [22:48:09] Component 3 is installed
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>> CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
> >>> [22:48:09] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
> >>> [22:48:09] Looking for the Exchange organization container
> >>> [22:48:09] Exchange organization container not found
> >>> [22:48:09] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped
> >>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:1210)
> >>> The operation has completed successfully.
> >>> [22:48:09] This forest is not ForestPrepped
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>> CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>> CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
> >>> [22:48:09] User does have Domain Admin rights
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>> CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>> CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>> CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>> CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>> CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
Hello NuBee,

Try it direct on the dc.

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.
** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
** HELP us help YOU!!!

> I log-on at the member server with the built-in administrator account
> of the Schema Master to run the Ex2k3 setup. Should I be doing
> something different???
> "Meinolf Weber" wrote:
>> Hello NuBee,
>> Did you run the forestprep command on the schema master itself or on
>> the member server?
>> Best regards
>> Meinolf Weber
>> Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
>> confers
>> no rights.
>> ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
>> ** HELP us help YOU!!!
>>> Thank you for the microsoft web reference. I have a book that tells
>>> me what this refence tells me. My problem is interpreting what the
>>> problem is (hence, the pasted log file). I have met all the
>>> requirements stated in the reference you provided. I ran dcdiag and
>>> netdiag ... everything seemed fine fromn these logs. I am at a loss
>>> as what to do next.?????
>>> "Meinolf Weber" wrote:
>>>> Hello NuBee,
>>>> Check this one:
>>>> And better do not post a new thread, if you have an old one
>>>> belonging
>>>> to the same problem. Easier to follow and the old one has still an
>>>> open question from Mathieu.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Meinolf Weber
>>>> Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties,
>>>> and
>>>> confers
>>>> no rights.
>>>> ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
>>>> ** HELP us help YOU!!!
>>>>> From previous post (thanks for previous advice/guidance):
>>>>> I am running w2k3 SP2 (PDC FSMO) with AD, IIS6.0, SMTP, NNSTP,
>>>>> ASP, ASPNET, etc. I am trying to install Exchange Server 2003 on
>>>>> another win2k3 server that is a member of the domain.
>>>>> I logged in as the Administrator (built-in account of the FSMO) on
>>>>> the win2k3 server that I want to install Ex2k3 on. I ran the
>>>>> dcdiag and netdiag tools and everthing seemed fine in the logs
>>>>> that were generated.
>>>>> So, I ran /forestprep with Ex2k3 setup. It said either I did not
>>>>> have sufficeient privileges/permissions or that AD was too busy.
>>>>> I checked on the FSMO and the built-in admin account is a member
>>>>> of Enterprise and Schema admins. What do I do now?
>>>>> Here is a partial dum from the Ex2k3 setup log:
>>>>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>> //
>>>>> //
>>>>> ///////////////////
>>>>> [22:48:07] ************** Beginning Setup run **************
>>>>> [22:48:07] Starting Exchange 6944 setup on Windows
>>>>> 5.2.3790.Service
>>>>> Pack 2
>>>>> at 22:48:07 10/30/2007
>>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScInit
>>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
>>>>> [22:48:07] CService::ScQueryServiceConfig
>>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\service.cxx:539)
>>>>> Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
>>>>> not
>>>>> exist as an installed service.
>>>>> [22:48:07] ScGetClusterSvcDir
>>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:2346)
>>>>> Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
>>>>> not
>>>>> exist as an installed service.
>>>>> [22:48:07] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS ===
>>>>> CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
>>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\filemgr.cxx:604)
>>>>> The operation has completed successfully.
>>>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
>>>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScInit
>>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInit
>>>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInit
>>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInit
>>>>> [22:48:07] Entering ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
>>>>> [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: Domain/workgroup =
>>>>> [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS = 3
>>>>> [22:48:07] The computer is a member of a domain
>>>>> [22:48:07] Leaving ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
>>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
>>>>> [22:48:07] Getting information about the local domain
>>>>> [22:48:07] m_strLocalServer = "SRV1"
>>>>> [22:48:07] m_strLocalSite = "Default-First-Site-Name"
>>>>> [22:48:07] DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation returned:
>>>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::MachineRole = 3
>>>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::Flags = 1000000
>>>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameFlat =
>>>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameDns =
>>>>> ""
>>>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainForestName
>>>>> =
>>>>> ""
>>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
>>>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
>>>>> [22:48:07] No user-specified DC setup has chosen m_strDC = "WWW1"
>>>>> [22:48:08] schema master server name: WWW1
>>>>> [22:48:08] schema master domain : /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
>>>>> [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDC = "WWW1"
>>>>> [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDCDomainDN = "/dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung"
>>>>> [22:48:08] strConfigNC = "CN=Configuration,DC=coyoteyoung,DC=com"
>>>>> [22:48:08] m_strRootDomain = ""
>>>>> [22:48:08] m_strOwnershipControlDC = "WWW1"
>>>>> [22:48:08] m_strPermissionControlDC = "WWW1"
>>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
>>>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
>>>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
>>>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
>>>>> [22:48:08] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion
>>>>> [22:48:08] About to create the dob for object
>>>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema/cn=ms-Exch-Schem
>>>>> a-
>>>>> Ve
>>>>> rsion-Pt
>>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion
>>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
>>>>> [22:48:08] Entering ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
>>>>> [22:48:08] ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
>>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:517)
>>>>> Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
>>>>> the
>>>>> server.
>>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
>>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
>>>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
>>>>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Config NC:
>>>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Services
>>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Read
>>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Write
>>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_SetPerms
>>>>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions on the Schema container:
>>>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema
>>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_UpdateSchema
>>>>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Domain NC:
>>>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
>>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Read
>>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Write
>>>>> [22:48:08] Checking to see if an Exchange org exists
>>>>> [22:48:08] ScGetExistingOrgName
>>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:1476)
>>>>> Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
>>>>> the
>>>>> server.
>>>>> [22:48:08] Didn't find an org -- extending Config NC permissions
>>>>> to
>>>>> org/AG
>>>>> level
>>>>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
>>>>> (ExchOrg_Read
>>>>> |
>>>>> ExchAG_Read)
>>>>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
>>>>> (ExchOrg_Write |
>>>>> ExchAG_Write)
>>>>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
>>>>> (ExchOrg_SetPerms |
>>>>> ExchAG_SetPerms)
>>>>> [22:48:08] We have already determined that we have inherited full
>>>>> AG-level
>>>>> perms, so we're not checking at that level
>>>>> [22:48:08] Final set of permissions: 0XF0C0E0E0
>>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
>>>>> [22:48:08] We have sufficient admin rights, but:
>>>>> [22:48:08] the schema is not up to date on the DC "WWW1"
>>>>> [22:48:08] org-level objects are not present on the DC "WWW1"
>>>>> [22:48:08] We must attempt to bind to the schema master
>>>>> [22:48:08] We are in the same domain as the schema master, so we
>>>>> can
>>>>> proceed m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
>>>>> [22:48:08] Sanity check:
>>>>> [22:48:08] m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
>>>>> [22:48:08] m_psesToUse->m_strServerName = "WWW1"
>>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
>>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInit
>>>>> [22:48:09] Beginning dump of component tree:
>>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange"
>>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation"
>>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Domain Preparation"
>>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration
>>>>> Services"
>>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus
>>>>> Notes"
>>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Novell
>>>>> GroupWise"
>>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Calendar Connector"
>>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange System Management Tools"
>>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator"
>>>>> [22:48:09] End dump of component tree
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>>>> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
>>>>> [22:48:09] Component {C7310662-AC80-11D1-8DF3-00C04FB6EF4F} is
>>>>> dependable
>>>>> [22:48:09] Component {DA943894-7A14-4FFF-BBDC-C004FAE2310B} is not
>>>>> dependable
>>>>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
>>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
>>>>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
>>>>> [22:48:09] Component 1 is installed
>>>>> [22:48:09] Component {94B7AD3E-0B63-42AC-A542-082ED1F78787} is not
>>>>> dependable
>>>>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
>>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
>>>>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
>>>>> [22:48:09] Component 2 is installed
>>>>> [22:48:09] Component {ECD1A63D-DBAF-442C-BF46-904364A96B00} is not
>>>>> dependable
>>>>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
>>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
>>>>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
>>>>> [22:48:09] Component 3 is installed
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>>>> CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
>>>>> [22:48:09] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
>>>>> [22:48:09] Looking for the Exchange organization container
>>>>> [22:48:09] Exchange organization container not found
>>>>> [22:48:09] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped
>>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:1210)
>>>>> The operation has completed successfully.
>>>>> [22:48:09] This forest is not ForestPrepped
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>>>> CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
>>>>> [22:48:09] User does have Domain Admin rights
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>>>> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>>>> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>>>> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>>>> CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>>>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>>>> CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
>>>>> CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
>>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
>>>>> CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
.... I tried it on ther DC and I got the same result. What next????? or what
else can I try? Thanks again ... I do not understand why I am having so much

"Meinolf Weber" wrote:

> Hello NuBee,
> Try it direct on the dc.
> Best regards
> Meinolf Weber
> Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
> no rights.
> ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
> ** HELP us help YOU!!!
> > I log-on at the member server with the built-in administrator account
> > of the Schema Master to run the Ex2k3 setup. Should I be doing
> > something different???
> >
> > "Meinolf Weber" wrote:
> >
> >> Hello NuBee,
> >>
> >> Did you run the forestprep command on the schema master itself or on
> >> the member server?
> >>
> >> Best regards
> >>
> >> Meinolf Weber
> >> Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
> >> confers
> >> no rights.
> >> ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
> >> ** HELP us help YOU!!!
> >>> Thank you for the microsoft web reference. I have a book that tells
> >>> me what this refence tells me. My problem is interpreting what the
> >>> problem is (hence, the pasted log file). I have met all the
> >>> requirements stated in the reference you provided. I ran dcdiag and
> >>> netdiag ... everything seemed fine fromn these logs. I am at a loss
> >>> as what to do next.?????
> >>>
> >>> "Meinolf Weber" wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hello NuBee,
> >>>>
> >>>> Check this one:
> >>>>
> >>>> And better do not post a new thread, if you have an old one
> >>>> belonging
> >>>> to the same problem. Easier to follow and the old one has still an
> >>>> open question from Mathieu.
> >>>> Best regards
> >>>>
> >>>> Meinolf Weber
> >>>> Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties,
> >>>> and
> >>>> confers
> >>>> no rights.
> >>>> ** Please do NOT email, only reply to Newsgroups
> >>>> ** HELP us help YOU!!!
> >>>>> From previous post (thanks for previous advice/guidance):
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I am running w2k3 SP2 (PDC FSMO) with AD, IIS6.0, SMTP, NNSTP,
> >>>>> ASP, ASPNET, etc. I am trying to install Exchange Server 2003 on
> >>>>> another win2k3 server that is a member of the domain.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I logged in as the Administrator (built-in account of the FSMO) on
> >>>>> the win2k3 server that I want to install Ex2k3 on. I ran the
> >>>>> dcdiag and netdiag tools and everthing seemed fine in the logs
> >>>>> that were generated.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So, I ran /forestprep with Ex2k3 setup. It said either I did not
> >>>>> have sufficeient privileges/permissions or that AD was too busy.
> >>>>> I checked on the FSMO and the built-in admin account is a member
> >>>>> of Enterprise and Schema admins. What do I do now?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Here is a partial dum from the Ex2k3 setup log:
> >>>>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >>>>> //
> >>>>> //
> >>>>> ///////////////////
> >>>>> [22:48:07] ************** Beginning Setup run **************
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Starting Exchange 6944 setup on Windows
> >>>>> 5.2.3790.Service
> >>>>> Pack 2
> >>>>> at 22:48:07 10/30/2007
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScInit
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> >>>>> [22:48:07] CService::ScQueryServiceConfig
> >>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\service.cxx:539)
> >>>>> Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
> >>>>> not
> >>>>> exist as an installed service.
> >>>>> [22:48:07] ScGetClusterSvcDir
> >>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:2346)
> >>>>> Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does
> >>>>> not
> >>>>> exist as an installed service.
> >>>>> [22:48:07] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS ===
> >>>>> CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> >>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\filemgr.cxx:604)
> >>>>> The operation has completed successfully.
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScInit
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInit
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInit
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInit
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Entering ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
> >>>>> [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: Domain/workgroup =
> >>>>> [22:48:07] NetGetJoinInformation: NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS = 3
> >>>>> [22:48:07] The computer is a member of a domain
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Leaving ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Getting information about the local domain
> >>>>> [22:48:07] m_strLocalServer = "SRV1"
> >>>>> [22:48:07] m_strLocalSite = "Default-First-Site-Name"
> >>>>> [22:48:07] DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation returned:
> >>>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::MachineRole = 3
> >>>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::Flags = 1000000
> >>>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameFlat =
> >>>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameDns =
> >>>>> ""
> >>>>> [22:48:07] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainForestName
> >>>>> =
> >>>>> ""
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
> >>>>> [22:48:07] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC
> >>>>> [22:48:07] No user-specified DC setup has chosen m_strDC = "WWW1"
> >>>>> [22:48:08] schema master server name: WWW1
> >>>>> [22:48:08] schema master domain : /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
> >>>>> [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDC = "WWW1"
> >>>>> [22:48:08] m_strSchemaMasterDCDomainDN = "/dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung"
> >>>>> [22:48:08] strConfigNC = "CN=Configuration,DC=coyoteyoung,DC=com"
> >>>>> [22:48:08] m_strRootDomain = ""
> >>>>> [22:48:08] m_strOwnershipControlDC = "WWW1"
> >>>>> [22:48:08] m_strPermissionControlDC = "WWW1"
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion
> >>>>> [22:48:08] About to create the dob for object
> >>>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema/cn=ms-Exch-Schem
> >>>>> a-
> >>>>> Ve
> >>>>> rsion-Pt
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Entering ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> >>>>> [22:48:08] ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> >>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:517)
> >>>>> Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> server.
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Config NC:
> >>>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Services
> >>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Read
> >>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_Write
> >>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_SetPerms
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions on the Schema container:
> >>>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema
> >>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission ConfigNC_UpdateSchema
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Checking permissions in the Domain NC:
> >>>>> /dc=com/dc=coyoteyoung
> >>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Read
> >>>>> [22:48:08] We have permission DomainNC_Write
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Checking to see if an Exchange org exists
> >>>>> [22:48:08] ScGetExistingOrgName
> >>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:1476)
> >>>>> Error code 0X80072030 (8240): There is no such object on
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> server.
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Didn't find an org -- extending Config NC permissions
> >>>>> to
> >>>>> org/AG
> >>>>> level
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
> >>>>> (ExchOrg_Read
> >>>>> |
> >>>>> ExchAG_Read)
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
> >>>>> (ExchOrg_Write |
> >>>>> ExchAG_Write)
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Based on ConfigNC perms, we assume permission
> >>>>> (ExchOrg_SetPerms |
> >>>>> ExchAG_SetPerms)
> >>>>> [22:48:08] We have already determined that we have inherited full
> >>>>> AG-level
> >>>>> perms, so we're not checking at that level
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Final set of permissions: 0XF0C0E0E0
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel
> >>>>> [22:48:08] We have sufficient admin rights, but:
> >>>>> [22:48:08] the schema is not up to date on the DC "WWW1"
> >>>>> [22:48:08] org-level objects are not present on the DC "WWW1"
> >>>>> [22:48:08] We must attempt to bind to the schema master
> >>>>> [22:48:08] We are in the same domain as the schema master, so we
> >>>>> can
> >>>>> proceed m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Sanity check:
> >>>>> [22:48:08] m_strDCToUse = "WWW1"
> >>>>> [22:48:08] m_psesToUse->m_strServerName = "WWW1"
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions
> >>>>> [22:48:08] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInit
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Beginning dump of component tree:
> >>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange"
> >>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation"
> >>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Domain Preparation"
> >>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration
> >>>>> Services"
> >>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus
> >>>>> Notes"
> >>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Novell
> >>>>> GroupWise"
> >>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange Calendar Connector"
> >>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange System Management Tools"
> >>>>> [22:48:09] "Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator"
> >>>>> [22:48:09] End dump of component tree
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>>>> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>>>> CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>>>> CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Component {C7310662-AC80-11D1-8DF3-00C04FB6EF4F} is
> >>>>> dependable
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Component {DA943894-7A14-4FFF-BBDC-C004FAE2310B} is not
> >>>>> dependable
> >>>>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> >>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> >>>>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Component 1 is installed
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Component {94B7AD3E-0B63-42AC-A542-082ED1F78787} is not
> >>>>> dependable
> >>>>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> >>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> >>>>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Component 2 is installed
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Component {ECD1A63D-DBAF-442C-BF46-904364A96B00} is not
> >>>>> dependable
> >>>>> [22:48:09] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent
> >>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209)
> >>>>> Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Component 3 is installed
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>>>> CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering ScIsForestPrepped
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Looking for the Exchange organization container
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Exchange organization container not found
> >>>>> [22:48:09] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === ScIsForestPrepped
> >>>>> (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:1210)
> >>>>> The operation has completed successfully.
> >>>>> [22:48:09] This forest is not ForestPrepped
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>>>> CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>>>> CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>>>> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject
> >>>>> [22:48:09] User does have Domain Admin rights
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>>>> CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>>>> CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>>>> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>>>> CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>>>> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Leaving
> >>>>> CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo
> >>>>> [22:48:09] Entering
> >>>>> CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo