Windows 2003 Error code 0x80070035 - The network path was not found

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jer_
  • Start date Start date


We recently purchased a pair of new servers and installed Windows Web Server
2008 on them.

During the initial setup of the servers I was able to copy data back and
forth from the existing 2003 Web Edition server and our 2003 R2 file server.
Once I had all the data I needed on one of the 2008 servers I put them both
on the DMZ and configured them identically. When it was time to transfer the
data (C:\inetpub), or even browse, from one server to the other I was unable
to do so. As I said before the servers are identical, the same users and
shares on each, both are members of a workgroup called DMZ.

The error message:

Title Bar – Network Error
Windows cannot access \\servername
Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with
your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click
Error code 0x80070035
The network path was not found.

If I click the ‘Diagnose’ button it tells me it can’t be repaired
automatically. This happens in both directions, server1 to server2 and
server2 to server1. Going from memory here is what I have tried so far making
one change at a time, I think:

• I can ping each server from the other
• I can use ‘webemtest’ to authenticate and connect from server1 to server2
and server2 to server1
• The Windows Firewall service has been disabled on both servers
• Disabled UAC, this has been turned back on at this point
• Set both servers to use LM & NTLM – use NTLMv2 session security if
• The workgroup DMZ has been set to be a private network on both servers but
changed back to public once and awhile, I think when other Network and
Sharing Center features are turned on or off
• Network and Sharing Center - Network discovery, file sharing, and password
protected sharing are all turned on, printer sharing is not because I am
unable to turn it on. Each time I try it resets itself to off after I click
apply (Web edition limitation – no print services?).
• File and printer sharing is enabled on the NIC
• Each server has a static IP, these are different of course
• I added records to the host file since DNS isn’t an option on Server 2008
Web Edition.

There may be more but I can’t think of it right now. I tried everything I
can think of short of calling Microsoft. Is this some type of limitation
imposed by Microsoft? I know the web edition is supposed to be scaled down
but seriously?! Do I need to run files to our web server with a USB stick
every time I want to update a web page?
