Error 8024200D on Security Update KB2585542 Win 7 x64


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Getting this error '8024200D' every single time Win Update runs (20-30 times now). Says that this is an important Security Update 'KB2585542' for my Win 7 Prof x64 with SP1. It creates a system restore point, and starts installing (install bar gets about
60% across each time) and then bombs out with Update failed: unknown error '8024200D'. Multiple times, I've tried the MS Fixit tool, System Update Readiness Tool, Win 7 Clean Boot instructions, Malicious Software Removal Tool, the mysterious MS automatic
troubleshooter, have fiddled with Update settings, and tried following the advice that I could understand from the MS website, FAQs, &amp KnowledgeBase (even running as administrator, I absolutely cannot rename SoftwareDistribution to SoftwareDistribution.old
as suggested, and when I run cmd.exe, I get 'system error 5' 'access denied' when trying to 'net stop wuauserv'). Other Updates have installed fine, but this one won't. Home computer very unsophisticated user.

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