error 80070002


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Ok I've been on this for 2- 3 days now with NO answers OTHER THAN GET THE NEW WINDOWS 8 FASTER BETTER. I get error code 80070002 downloaded readyness tool 3x searched help center, ran trouble shooter till I'm blue, purple. green red and so on so on, got
the &quotMICROSOFT DEBUGGING SYMBOL TOOL&quot which was NOT RESPONDING for 5 min then got copying new files which was USELESS waiting for same code 80070002 then I ran hotfix for the KB947821 (I think. which told me &quotUPDATES BEING INSTALLED&quot ONLY ONCE AGAIN TO GET
&quotF&quot in errror code 80070002 did an ADMINISTRATOR delete on updates , turning OFF virues protection, fire wall and what ever the heck it told me. ran the same thing as above only to long and behold the imphamise &quotERROR CODE 70080002&quot TO COME AND POP UP again
( now I see why my brothers and sister swear on the Apple product). I've spent More money from Win3.1 ,win98,win2000, winxp,win7, oh and now you got sell me WIN8 CAUSE IT'S BETTER,FASTER. can ANYBODY REALY FIX A WINDOWS PRODUCT OR DOES mr Gates need my 139.95
for the next Win product. IT&quotS error code 80070002 and solutions can find me ALL other ones but no real solution for this error. What next step Delete all start from scratch don't download anything that's not made from Microsoft? VERY UNHAPPY CAMPER!!!!!!!
error code 80070002 in WIndows updates heck I've got 49 more years left I know I could find an answer somewhere in the network. Thanks if someone can show me the short cut that I missed reading or didn't get the memo of doing updates oh wait it was on AUTOMATIC.
Ps I've even tryed updateing with a newer version of Win 7 and it told me couldn't find the updates that's REALLY Missed up version was fromm 6/12 around there.

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