Windows NT Environmental Variables ini file

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I have a program that normally installs on a workstation and has an ini file
that sets user specific variables within the program. The problem is that
when it is installed on a teminal server all users are accessing the same ini
file. I was told that I could create a directory for each user and place the
ini file in the individual directory. Then delete the original ini file. I
was also told I would need to set an environmental variable that would find
each users ini file. I am unsure how to do that and could use some advice.


Did you put the terminal Server into "install mode" before
installing the application? That should take care of most ini-files
Documented here:

186498 - Terminal Server Application Integration Information

which also lists the compatibility bits. But you shouldn't need
them when install mode makes sure that each user gets a private ini
file in the windows directory in their home directory.
Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting:
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=?Utf-8?B?c2xhd3JpZQ==?= <> wrote
on 19 jul 2007 in

> I have a program that normally installs on a workstation and has
> an ini file that sets user specific variables within the
> program. The problem is that when it is installed on a teminal
> server all users are accessing the same ini file. I was told
> that I could create a directory for each user and place the ini
> file in the individual directory. Then delete the original ini
> file. I was also told I would need to set an environmental
> variable that would find each users ini file. I am unsure how to
> do that and could use some advice.
> Thanks,
> Steve