Dynamic HD not supported by XP Home??


Oct 29, 2004
I bought and installed a hd as slave, pinned as cs and formated as Dynamic on an XP Pro Dell system

The Motherboard fried and dell sent me a new tower with Home ...

Home does not support Dynamic

I cannot get or or Microsoft or Dell to upgrade me to XP ...(OEM and warranty expiration issues) but i need to recover data and media on the drive.

I found this work around http://faq.arstechnica.com/link.php?i=1806

It involves Editing the sectors on the drive with Dskprobe.exe .. a utility on Win 2000.

There are 2 options to recover the data ,as I see it.. Maby 3.

1. Pin the drive as cs or slave (Not sure which) plug into into a system that has win 2000 as OS on it and Pull my active master and connect that in the secondary channel (so I have somewhere to copy the data to).

2. Pin the drive as cs or slave (Not sure which) plug into into a system that has windows 2000 and run dskprobe.exe per this link HOWTO: Convert a dynamic disk back to a basic disk without data loss

3. Find out if I can copy dskprobe and run from XP Home or Pro based System.

Anyone experienced at editing sectors????

Best way to do would be to connect it as slave on a Win2K system and copy files over the master drive. You could then format the drive and copy the files back, hook back up in new system and everything should be fine.
Thanks Bob !! ... I'm thinkin I could copy the file Dskprobe.exe over to a system with XP Pro (don't know anyone with 2000) and do it there. I'll need to also connect my Active 80 gig too cause I'm recovering about 40 gigs of Mp3 ... unless I can find someone with 40-50 gigs free on a drive of their's... could I write up the proceedure steps and run it by you to see if there's anything I'm missing?

Thanks again