Dwarven Den: Top 10 tips, hints, and cheats to blazing a path to buried treasure!

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Allyson Kazmucha


Ultimate tip and trick guide to Dwarven Den: Mine smarter, collect items faster, and overcome obstacles easier than ever!​

In Dwarven Den you are tasked with digging up the remnants of an ancient city that was lost long ago. You'll alternate playing different characters and be given different goals to meet. During game play you have to make lots of decisions such as what weapons and tools are the best to forge and what route to take without losing your life due to lack of energy crystals. Whether you're stuck on a specific level or just want general gameplay tips, we've got the tips, hints, and cheats you need to locate hidden treasures and get further, faster!

1. Learn your rocks immediately, it'll save you lots of headaches


In Dwarven Den you'll have to mine your way through several different kinds of stone and rock. Knowing the differences between them is crucial. They all look slightly different which makes it relatively easy to decipher between them. Most kinds of dirt only takes one hit while some stone takes 4 our more hits to blast through it. It can quickly wear down on your energy so whenever you can take an easier path, do it. A good rule of thumb to remember is the lighter the stone or dirt, the easier it is to crack.

2. Forge only what you need


During gameplay you'll pick up many items in treasure chests. Some of them you'll need and some of them you'll accumulate more than you'll ever use or need. Just make sure you're only using gold to forge items you actually need.

3. Don't buy weapons and tools, forge them


While you don't want an excess of tools laying around, you also don't want to have to spend real cash buying them. Using your precious diamond and other commodities to buy weapons isn't a good use of in-game currency. Instead, just explore levels a little more and pick up the things you need to forge items. I've even went back to levels I had already beat in order to collect more of a specific tool. Ten minutes of my time is better than spending real cash for an axe.

4. Don't be afraid to use your tech


Tech is one resource that you'll find readily available throughout Dwarven Den. Use it when you need to, especially for bombs and torches. Your goal should always be to not expend more energy than you have to. If you're facing a wall of rock that's 4 stones thick in every direction, use a bomb and save your energy. Since tech is found rather easily you can use it a little more freely than you can diamonds.

5. Know the behavior of your enemies


Knowing how your enemies move is the easiest way to quickly get around them without taking an energy hit. For example, spiders always move in straight lines until they run into something. Mummies can be passed relatively easily as long as they don't see you first. These are the little things you'll want to pay attention to in order to avoid enemies in the smartest way possible.

6. Place bombs strategically


You can only place a bomb somewhere within your character's immediate vicinity so choosing where to lay it is important. Count stones and now where the impact will end. From there you should choose the best placement in order to maximize how much damage it'll do.

7. Join a guild to earn bonus crystals


You can create and join other people's guilds in Dwarven Den in order to earn bonus crystals. A quick web search for Dwarven Den guilds yields tons of them and I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't want to earn free crystals from having to do pretty much nothing.

If you have a guild that earns you cool and unique stuff, be sure to let us know the guild name in the comments too!

8. Connect your Facebook account for free lives


Just like joining a guild can earn you free crystals, connecting your Facebook account can score you some free lives if you have other friends playing Dwarven Den. Just link it up and request lives. Then if you have a time where you run out of what the game allows, just accept a like from a Facebook friend. Just be sure to send them back in return.

9. Gold and energy boosts are the only ones worth using


If you're going to use in-game currency on anything, use it on increasing your energy or gold multiplier. I typically only use the energy boost if I'm stuck on a level that I just can't seem to get past. Having extra energy makes it easier to explore more without worrying about finding your next energy crystal. Gold is needed to forge items and if you have something in mind and you need more gold, using the gold multiplier can stack up your gold pile even faster.

10. Get free lives by setting the time forward on your iPhone or iPad


This cheat has been working for a long time in several games. It appears to be the same with Dwarven Den as well. If you run out of lives and don't have any waiting from Facebook friends, just hop into your system settings and change the time forward a few hours. Open Dwarven Den again your lives should have fully replenished again. Even better, it looks like if you set the clock back again, it won't take them away.

Your tips, hints, and cheats for beating Dwarven Den?

If you have been enjoying playing Dwarven Den, what tips and tricks do you have that could be helpful to other players? If you're a member of a guild, which one? Be sure to let me know in the comments!




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