Dropbox Bug - apparently being ignored by developers.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2014
Dorset, England, UK

I use the free version of Dropbox (latest incarnation) on my Windows desktop computer. Generally it works well and causes no problems but since the end of October last, the dbxsvc service driver causes an error to be reported in the Windows Event Viewer on each startup. The error is as follows:
Record Number: X 95916
Log Type: Application
Event Type: Error
Source: DbxSvc
Category: 3
Event ID: 320

Failed to connect to the driver: (-2147024894) The system cannot find the file specified.
Dropbox, after a certain amount of prevarication from Technical Support, where they suggested all sorts of things might need attention on users' systems, accepted that there was indeed a bug and they were working to resolve the issue. I had opened a thread on the Dropbox Forum which confirmed, through the many posts, that the bug was widespread and affected paid for versions as well as the free edition.

The bug does not stop Dropbox from working and the Event Viewer shows the program does load a little later during the startup process. It now seems, after a Dropbox Forum member contacted Dropbox Technical Services, that the development team do not intend to work any longer for a resolution as file syncing is not affected. While I appreciate that for the user the bug, at the moment, is not much more than a cosmetic aberration within the Event Viewer, the attitude of Dropbox seems rather unprofessional. If this bug is considered acceptable then how can users trust Dropbox to work to eliminate any other bugs that might affect the program more seriously in the future. In addition, the thread on the Dropbox Forum, which is now quite extensive, has been noticeable by a dearth of input from Dropbox personnel who surely must keep abreast of users' experiences with their program.