drive letter remapped wrong

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ricomatic
  • Start date Start date


I've got some PCs that recently started some weird behavior. If you leave
the PC with no user logged on for a number of hours (like overnight), then
the next morning when you login to the PC the logon script maps drive
letters, but the H: drive is mapped to a different server\share than the
login script should map. In windows explorer it says it is the correct
server\share, but it is clearly a different share. If I disconnect the
network drive, I can't re-map to H: unless I reboot. It's like the PC is
connecting to the wrong share (in the middle of the night with no user
profile loaded) and when you login it can't remap the correct share because
H: is in use. If you reboot and login (within a few hours) there is no
problem. When the problem occurs you get the "could not reconnect all
network drives" popup at login. These are WinXp professional SP2 PCs that
are part of a Win2003 domain. As a network admin, I did not see the behavior
on my PC until I added a net use statement in my login script that maps a
drive using another user account's credentials. Once I did that, the problem
is consistent. I have tried many things to fix - disconnect network drives,
created a new windows profile, removed windows updates installed in the last
2 months, edit many registry keys to remove references to the wrong
server\share location...etc...

Anyone seen this behavior before? I was a bit shocked to see windows
explorer saying H: \\server\shareA then seeing the files were actually

"Ricomatic" <> wrote in message
> I've got some PCs that recently started some weird behavior. If you leave
> the PC with no user logged on for a number of hours (like overnight), then
> the next morning when you login to the PC the logon script maps drive
> letters, but the H: drive is mapped to a different server\share than the
> login script should map. In windows explorer it says it is the correct
> server\share, but it is clearly a different share. If I disconnect the
> network drive, I can't re-map to H: unless I reboot. It's like the PC is
> connecting to the wrong share (in the middle of the night with no user
> profile loaded) and when you login it can't remap the correct share
> because
> H: is in use. If you reboot and login (within a few hours) there is no
> problem. When the problem occurs you get the "could not reconnect all
> network drives" popup at login. These are WinXp professional SP2 PCs that
> are part of a Win2003 domain. As a network admin, I did not see the
> behavior
> on my PC until I added a net use statement in my login script that maps a
> drive using another user account's credentials. Once I did that, the
> problem
> is consistent. I have tried many things to fix - disconnect network
> drives,
> created a new windows profile, removed windows updates installed in the
> last
> 2 months, edit many registry keys to remove references to the wrong
> server\share location...etc...
> Anyone seen this behavior before? I was a bit shocked to see windows
> explorer saying H: \\server\shareA then seeing the files were actually
> \\server\shareB.
> Thanks,
> Ricomatic

You have some process that changes your mappings, perhaps
a reboot followed by an automatic mapping process. To home
in on this process, use the Task Scheduler to run the following
batch file once every five minutes:
@echo off
echo %date% %time% >> c:\test.log
net stats workstation | find /i "since" >> c:\test.log
net use >> c::\test.log
echo =========== >> c:\test.log

Make sure to run the task under the same account as the
currently logged on user.