Do you need a trojan in a hurry? Try Yahoo

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From: "VanguardLH" <V@nguard.LH>

| There are 2 reasons why I finally gave up posting using
| filtering which makes posts disappear (they get
| accepted without error but won't show up) and users that cross-post to
| non-microsoft.public.* groups cannot be responded to if using
| Microsoft's NNTP server (else you get notification that the other
| non-microsoft.* groups cannot be found).
| I'm not going to waste my time trying to figure out today's filter set
| used by Microsoft for their bastardization of Usenet with their
| peculiar use of microsoft.* groups for their own use via their
| webnews-for-dummies interface to newsgroups. There are
| non-microsoft.* groups that are related to the same topic so
| cross-posting may be appropriate, but you cannot cross-post a reply
| except to groups within the same NNTP server, and obviously Microsoft
| is not carrying any non-microsoft.* groups on their own NNTP server.
| I gave up using AIOE's free NNTP server because of the limit of 25
| posts per day, screwup in accepting posts which sends a bogus error
| indicating that a post was not accepted when it actually was accepted
| so you end up resubmitting the post which ends up with another error
| saying you are trying to post a duplicate post, and the non-RFC
| compliant requirement by AIOE that a FollowUp-To header be used when
| replying to a cross-posted message when, in fact, you want to share
| your reply and replies to it to all the appropriate cross-posted
| newsgroups rather than disconnect the [sub]thread from participants in
| the other newsgroups. I gave up on using Microsoft's NNTP server
| because of the poor filtering rules exercised by Microsoft and
| problems when replying to valid cross-posted messages because
| Microsoft only provided Microsoft newsgroups on their NNTP server. If
| I consume my monthly bandwidth quota with my ISP's NNTP service then I
| might consider using AIOE's or Microsoft's NNTP servers, or I'll just
| wait until my account gets reset for the next monthly quota.
| I certainly won't be modifying or tippy-toeing on the content of my
| posts because of some unpublished filtering rules that Microsoft
| chooses to arbitrarily employ on their own NNTP server.

It is as I expected... the Microsoft news server filters are blocking the text 'alt .comp.
virus' and 'alt. comp. viruses' { altered to make it to the MS News Server }

Multi-AV -