Windows 2000 Disk Free Space Alert

  • Thread starter Thread starter maitakeboy
  • Start date Start date


I've gotten burned twice, now, by not having any automatic alert that informs
me when my file server space is getting low. I can't seem to find anything
built-in to Windows to do this. What is the suggested way to configure
automatic alerts when a logical drive is running out of space?
"maitakeboy" <> wrote in message
> I've gotten burned twice, now, by not having any automatic alert that
> informs
> me when my file server space is getting low. I can't seem to find anything
> built-in to Windows to do this. What is the suggested way to configure
> automatic alerts when a logical drive is running out of space?

Get the Task Scheduler on the server to run this batch file
once every day:
$@echo off >nullfile.txt
$set Drive=C:
$set Limit=1000
$for /F "tokens=7" %%a in ('fsutil volume diskfree %Drive% ^| find /i "# of
free"') do set free=%%a
$set free=%free:~0,-6%
$if %free% LSS %Limit% net send YourPCName "Warning: Free space on
%ComputerName% is less than %Limit% MBytes"

- You must remove all $ characters. Their only purpose is to mark
the beginning of each line.
- The Messenger service must run on your own PC.
- Set Limit=2000 if you mean 2000 MBytes (=2 GBytes)

Thanks for your reply! What exactly are you setting when you set the Set
Limit? Is that the remaining free space? Can you do a percentage?

"Pegasus (MVP)" wrote:

> "maitakeboy" <> wrote in message
> > I've gotten burned twice, now, by not having any automatic alert that
> > informs
> > me when my file server space is getting low. I can't seem to find anything
> > built-in to Windows to do this. What is the suggested way to configure
> > automatic alerts when a logical drive is running out of space?

> Get the Task Scheduler on the server to run this batch file
> once every day:
> $@echo off >nullfile.txt
> $set Drive=C:
> $set Limit=1000
> $for /F "tokens=7" %%a in ('fsutil volume diskfree %Drive% ^| find /i "# of
> free"') do set free=%%a
> $set free=%free:~0,-6%
> $if %free% LSS %Limit% net send YourPCName "Warning: Free space on
> %ComputerName% is less than %Limit% MBytes"
> Note:
> - You must remove all $ characters. Their only purpose is to mark
> the beginning of each line.
> - The Messenger service must run on your own PC.
> - Set Limit=2000 if you mean 2000 MBytes (=2 GBytes)
Pegasus (MVP) wrote:

> Get the Task Scheduler on the server to run this batch file
> once every day:
> $@echo off >nullfile.txt
> $set Drive=C:
> $set Limit=1000
> $for /F "tokens=7" %%a in ('fsutil volume diskfree %Drive% ^| find /i "# of
> free"') do set free=%%a
> $set free=%free:~0,-6%
> $if %free% LSS %Limit% net send YourPCName "Warning: Free space on
> %ComputerName% is less than %Limit% MBytes"
> Note:
> - You must remove all $ characters. Their only purpose is to mark
> the beginning of each line.
> - The Messenger service must run on your own PC.
> - Set Limit=2000 if you mean 2000 MBytes (=2 GBytes)

Neat ... I still think you should change your name to bat-man.
If you want a percentage then you can run this batch file:
$@echo off
$goto Start
$This batch file will check the amount of free disk space on the
$nominated drive. If it is less than the specified percentage
$then it will generate a pop-up warning on the specified computer.
$You must set three parameters below the ":Start" label:
$set Drive=C: (or any other drive)
$set Limit=20 (the percentage figure below which a warning will be
$set Dest=Pegasus (the name of the machine that will receive the warning)
$Note: On the %Dest% machine, the "Messenger" service must be running.
$19.1.2008 FNL
$set Drive=C:
$set Limit=20
$set Dest=Pegasus
$fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo %Drive% > nul
$if ErrorLevel 1 (
$ fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo %Drive%
$ echo Press the Space Bar to close this window.
$ pause > nul
$ goto :eof
$for /F "tokens=7" %%a in ('fsutil volume diskfree %Drive% ^| find /i "# of
free"') do set free=%%a
$for /F "tokens=6" %%a in ('fsutil volume diskfree %Drive% ^| find /i "# of
byte"') do set total=%%a
$set free=%free:~0,-6%
$if "%free%"=="" set free=0
$set total=%total:~0,-6%
$set /a percent=%free% * 100 / %total%
$echo Free space on drive %Drive% is %percent%%% of capacity
$if %percent% LSS %Limit% net send %Dest% "Warning: Free space on drive
%Drive% on %ComputerName% is %Percent%%% of capacity."

- You must remove all $ characters. Their only purpose is to mark
the beginning of each line.
- The Messenger service must run on your own PC.
- Set Limit=20 if you mean 20% of capacity

"maitakeboy" <> wrote in message
> Pegasus,
> Thanks for your reply! What exactly are you setting when you set the Set
> Limit? Is that the remaining free space? Can you do a percentage?
> "Pegasus (MVP)" wrote:
>> "maitakeboy" <> wrote in message
>> > I've gotten burned twice, now, by not having any automatic alert that
>> > informs
>> > me when my file server space is getting low. I can't seem to find
>> > anything
>> > built-in to Windows to do this. What is the suggested way to configure
>> > automatic alerts when a logical drive is running out of space?

>> Get the Task Scheduler on the server to run this batch file
>> once every day:
>> $@echo off >nullfile.txt
>> $set Drive=C:
>> $set Limit=1000
>> $for /F "tokens=7" %%a in ('fsutil volume diskfree %Drive% ^| find /i "#
>> of
>> free"') do set free=%%a
>> $set free=%free:~0,-6%
>> $if %free% LSS %Limit% net send YourPCName "Warning: Free space on
>> %ComputerName% is less than %Limit% MBytes"
>> Note:
>> - You must remove all $ characters. Their only purpose is to mark
>> the beginning of each line.
>> - The Messenger service must run on your own PC.
>> - Set Limit=2000 if you mean 2000 MBytes (=2 GBytes)

> Neat ... I still think you should change your name to bat-man.

Bat today, batty tomorrow . . .