DirectX 9 Upgrade Woahs


Active Member
Dec 25, 2003

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing DirectX 9b problems like I have. Since installing it (about 3-4 days ago), I've found that a lot of the games and other programs that use DirectX have been freezing constantly or causing blank screens. Do you know what is wrong?

Thanks! :D
handan2002 said:

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing DirectX 9b problems like I have. Since installing it (about 3-4 days ago), I've found that a lot of the games and other programs that use DirectX have been freezing constantly or causing blank screens. Do you know what is wrong?

Thanks! :D
I personaly haven't had any problems with DirectX 9, are you sure your graphic card is compatiable with it ?
I also haven't had any problems with it, using a GeForce4 Ti4200 or a Radeon 9600 Pro. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your card. and I don't think you necessarily have to have a DX9 card unless you have a game that utilizes it, because DX is backward compatible.
I'm currently using an Radeon 9600 card, so i don't think thats the problem... like you said before, i might just simply update the drivers and see what happens. Thanks!
I've been having problems running Battlefield 1942 recently. I reinstalled my graphics card drivers and the game, and just about anything else I could think of, and nothing helped. The game starts, but crashes if i move the mouse.

Now that you mention it, I did just recently upgrade my DX version. Maybe thats it. I'll rollback and see if that fixes it.
Cool, excal, you play BF too? Heck, sneezing might crash that game...LOL. I was going to try the new DX but I can't live without my Battlefield so I'll wait.
Indeed, it does seem awfully fragile. For instance, while playing online, I cant go to the options menu. If I try, it scrambles the video really badly, and I have to kill the game.
I have a Radeon 9000 128MB and when I pull up the menu to select the spawn point the menus come up very slowly and are distorted. Upgrading to DX9 hasn't had any effect on that game though for me.

What kind of graphic card do you have excaliber ?
I thought you could uninstall DX. Not sure, I'll look into it.

Chris00: I've got a Radeon 9500 softmodded to 9700. I've been able to play BF1942 for quite some time. A while ago, I did something that broke it, not sure what though.
Have you done any hardware upgrades recently, excaliber? Replacing my MB and CPU messed up BF1942 for me, among other things. I've since done a format and it's fine.
Nope. No hardware, other than the card itself (BF1942 worked after the card was installed. It was only a looooong time after that it stopped working.) So its not a hardware thing.
I had the exact same problem after updating my Pc to DirectX 9, game crashing all the time.
I searched for hours and hours before eventually stumbling on the secret, WHQL logo'd driver.
It took a while to figure out the combination of the uninstalling and reinstalling, but it was worth the time.
For the record my set up is Windows XP Pro, AMD Athlon XP 1.67 GHz chip and 1.25 GB Ram.
For the benefit of anyone else in the same boat here is what I did, then I uninstalled all my NVidia software and rebooted.
I then went to the website and downloaded a WHQL logo'd driver for Windows XP.
Firstly I reinstalled the Detonator file from Nvidia for Windows XP, I then opened the file containing the WHQL logo'd driver, obtainable here'd+driver
I rebooted once again and my copy of Scrabble 2003 now works just fine, with no crashes.
I have my settings on Highest 32 (bit) and resolution 1280 by 1024, not sure if that's important but there it is.
You must have Service Pack 1 installed as a matter of point.
The other advice is to shut down any virus software both during installation and in gameplay, and shutdown any other uneeded programs clogging up the place.
I hope this helps and I will be happy to help where I can via e-mail.
Unfortunately you cannot really uninstall or roll back Direct X 9 updates but you need to make sure you have the latest drivers for your Video Card even after the update. The Direct X updates work in tandem with the updates for your video card.