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Stan Starinski

Hey you obviously know, unless CPU is soldered, you can upgrade it except

the skills level for such job in a laptop is much higher than for a desktop.

A monkey can replace desktop CPU, but not so easy for laptops.

OK after analyzing chipset & its bridges, FSB bus speed, and other stuff,

guess what?

I jumped my old HP dv8408us from T2250 to T7600, that is from 32bit to 64bit

internally, 1.73Ghz to 2.33GHz, from CoreDuo to Core2Duo, etc, etc. FSB

must remain same 667MHz (or whatever is yours - 800, or up) to maintain

Signal Integrity accross mainboard. This breathed new life into my

venerable CAD/Engineering workstation. It used to be bleeding edge when I

purchased it, it gradually descended into "obsolete" ranks but now it feels

cool again with a new CPU (the bottleneck is now FSB & nVidia old 256MB

daughtercard, not T7600 CPU which cannot be suffocated anymore).

I got CPU off Ebay for $99.

By the way, speaking of cool - wipe off that lame HP stock

thermopaste/grease, instead get for a few dollars "ArcticCool" paste and it

dropped my CPU cores temps from 1 to 6*C degrees as per Hardware Monitoring

utility (old NHC or newer Intel), which means a LOT believe it or not - for

CPU intensive sh** even 1*C degree drop translates into performance

increase. I run more FLOPS-intensive software than majority of you people,

like Autocad2011, Inventor2011 (3D Design), AWR, Agilent ADS, Simulations,

Folding Proteins & Molecular Analysis. Some people will mention games but I

am not into wasting a life on computers, I only work not playing on


It's true Intel7600 is ALSO obsolete, it's also true desktop i7 leaves all

these T* series in dust of the past, and T7xxx heat output is also high by

current year standards

But we're talking about a LAPTOP and bringing a 4-year old machine back to

somewhat agile state for an average user, and for me who knows how to

optimize and configure softwares such that several generations old CPU beats

current year generation - it was MAGIC.

I felt compelled to post experience here.

I swear by Saint Vidicon (you know who Mr. Vidicon is?) the difference

between HP original T2250 and T7600 is like between a lake and an ocean.

If you're comfortable w/small electronics and have professional background

in complex technical systems, do this. Laptop CPU can be upgraded if you

analyze properly what can and what cannot be installed into your old laptop.

In my case for example, all i had to watch out for is 945GM chipset, 677Mhz

frontsidebus, CPU MUST B E SOCKET "M" - NOT "SANTA ROSA"!!, etc.

It worked. If anyone wants Intel T2250 pulled out of old laptop, let me

know, you can have it extremely cheap b/c well, it's T2250 CoreDuo 1.73GHz

dualcore and no longer impressive. In fact it's becoming antique.





Stan Starinski

Web: www.Interengineers.org www.Nanoinfocenter.com Currently OFF for


Consulting Engineer (EE+ME, ECAD+MCAD [3D/2D]), R&D + Prototype,

Embedded/Firmware ["C" or ASM for Microcontrollers], computers).
unfortunately your brain cannot,

nothing smaller is made.


"Stan Starinski" wrote in message news:OXXGZTkALHA.4704@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...

Hey you obviously know, unless CPU is soldered, you can upgrade it except

the skills level for such job in a laptop is much higher than for a desktop.

A monkey can replace desktop CPU, but not so easy for laptops.

OK after analyzing chipset & its bridges, FSB bus speed, and other stuff,

guess what?

I jumped my old HP dv8408us from T2250 to T7600, that is from 32bit to 64bit

internally, 1.73Ghz to 2.33GHz, from CoreDuo to Core2Duo, etc, etc. FSB

must remain same 667MHz (or whatever is yours - 800, or up) to maintain

Signal Integrity accross mainboard. This breathed new life into my

venerable CAD/Engineering workstation. It used to be bleeding edge when I

purchased it, it gradually descended into "obsolete" ranks but now it feels

cool again with a new CPU (the bottleneck is now FSB & nVidia old 256MB

daughtercard, not T7600 CPU which cannot be suffocated anymore).

I got CPU off Ebay for $99.

By the way, speaking of cool - wipe off that lame HP stock

thermopaste/grease, instead get for a few dollars "ArcticCool" paste and it

dropped my CPU cores temps from 1 to 6*C degrees as per Hardware Monitoring

utility (old NHC or newer Intel), which means a LOT believe it or not - for

CPU intensive sh** even 1*C degree drop translates into performance

increase. I run more FLOPS-intensive software than majority of you people,

like Autocad2011, Inventor2011 (3D Design), AWR, Agilent ADS, Simulations,

Folding Proteins & Molecular Analysis. Some people will mention games but I

am not into wasting a life on computers, I only work not playing on


It's true Intel7600 is ALSO obsolete, it's also true desktop i7 leaves all

these T* series in dust of the past, and T7xxx heat output is also high by

current year standards

But we're talking about a LAPTOP and bringing a 4-year old machine back to

somewhat agile state for an average user, and for me who knows how to

optimize and configure softwares such that several generations old CPU beats

current year generation - it was MAGIC.

I felt compelled to post experience here.

I swear by Saint Vidicon (you know who Mr. Vidicon is?) the difference

between HP original T2250 and T7600 is like between a lake and an ocean.

If you're comfortable w/small electronics and have professional background

in complex technical systems, do this. Laptop CPU can be upgraded if you

analyze properly what can and what cannot be installed into your old laptop.

In my case for example, all i had to watch out for is 945GM chipset, 677Mhz

frontsidebus, CPU MUST B E SOCKET "M" - NOT "SANTA ROSA"!!, etc.

It worked. If anyone wants Intel T2250 pulled out of old laptop, let me

know, you can have it extremely cheap b/c well, it's T2250 CoreDuo 1.73GHz

dualcore and no longer impressive. In fact it's becoming antique.





Stan Starinski

Web: www.Interengineers.org www.Nanoinfocenter.com Currently OFF for


Consulting Engineer (EE+ME, ECAD+MCAD [3D/2D]), R&D + Prototype,

Embedded/Firmware ["C" or ASM for Microcontrollers], computers).


I don’t mean to say you’re a moron for posting another lame follow up

to Stan's excellent articles. Stan is OK. But you - apparently suffer

from Jealousy Syndrome. I just wanted you to experience being called

a moron – because if you have open comments on your Newgroups post,

you will inevitably receive negative comments in response to your

posts – some directed at you personally.

Negative comments can be particularly deflating. As NewsGroupies we

spend a great deal of time brainstorming posts, writing, proofreading,

and rewriting, all with thoughts of what the reaction will be.

Clicking “publish†is essentially putting yourself out there for the

entire world to enjoy – but also to judge. After spending much time

and energy on a post it can be

particularly discouraging if the first comment received trashes your

post and you as a bugger.

But I feel that's your medications dosage must be increased.

So I’m making my morning 64 mile one way commute to work this morning,

cruising along, in the far left lane, cruse control is set at about

87, I'm listening to Classical Music, and minding my own business.

I come screaming up on a 3 car wide roadblock made of a your wife

talking on a cell phone, while putting on her makeup, driving her

black Chrysler 300 65 freaking miles per hour, and 2 other blithering

idiots that don't even realize what planet their on, much less that

they are sitting 3 wide and holding up traffic on a major interstate


So, here I am, stuck behind this woman, and people are starting to

stack up behind all of this... finally the woman puts down her mascara

brush, puts the rear view mirror back where it should be, and realizes

that there is a line of traffic stacked up behind her so far back that

she cant see the end of it due to the curvature of the earth's


SHE SLOWS DOWN to move over to the right(into the middle lane) and I

drop 2 and punch it, as I go screaming by her at 95+ in 3rd at

redline, I get a glimpse at her, and sadly she wasn’t ugly, And I

would guess in her mid 20's. Now I couldn’t see anything below the

tops of her shoulders, but she was pretty in the face. So sad, that

someone so attractive, is so stupid.

On Jun 2, 3:49 pm, "Bill Yanaire, ESQ" wrote:

> My name is Bill message and often I feel so much dumber than Stan, that Ihave to post garbage.

I totally agree, my brains cannot be upgraded. But at least i can read

yours with a machine here!

Think I am kidding? You might be surprised in a few years.

By the way, did Ashley get that LCD part replacement?
Are you offering us your brain? Thanks but no thanks. Already have a


On Jun 2, 8:27 pm, "Kevin John Panzke" wrote:

> If only you had my brain.
Check the Side Effects section on your medications packaging. Is

there a reference to "double vision" or "fuzziness"?

On Jun 2, 8:45 pm, "Mrs. Blanche Starinski"


> Wow.  Is it Mark or is it Stan?  I wonder who it really is?