Desperate upgrade from XP SP2 to SP3 needed.

  • Thread starter Thread starter John.XP.SP2
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I have two PCs which I bought brand new in Oct. 2005, a HP Multimedia Centre and CISNET Windows XP Home edition both with Windows XP.

They worked well, with no major problem.

A few days ago, the hard-drive in the HP PC let me down completely and my tech guy took the hard-drive out from the CISNET PC and installed in the HP because the CISNET PC has a burnt video card for which I cannot find the right replacement.

(I kept the CISNET PC over the past 2 years thinking I shall need its spare parts. Now that time came: I am using its hard-drive).

I now have Windows XP Home Edition SP2 in my HP PC but I cannot upgrade to SP3 which is the version on which all my software programs worked well.

When trying to update Windows I keep getting the message below.


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I tried to read at the support page but I am literally overwhelmed.

I know XP will no longer be supported after April 8, 2014, but I still need my HP PC to work a few more years because I shall use it not connected to Internet anymore.

Please advise how to proceed with updating SP2 to SP3 successfully.

Thank you in advance.


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