desktop computer was fine, turned off for week, now is crashed?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daytona Dave
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Daytona Dave

When i tried to turn on again, it came on, spun up kinda weird, and nothing
would come up...then it would sometimes go to safe mode setup screen for a
few seconds and before you could do anything the entire comp would just shut
back down, or would show the XP logo for a few seconds and then shut down.
The only way i could try and turn it on again was by turning off main power
supply switch and turning it back on and then press button on front of
machine. After that it would shut back down, front switch wont respond til
you cycle the switch on Power supply again. After several attempts at getting
anywhere that way, now no matter what i do, nothing will power up PERIOD. Is
the entire computer junk? I hope you guys can help me as i wasn't keeping up
on saving my pictures to disks, and i have many pics in there, including pics
of mom who passed away in 2005
thanks guys
Daytona Dave wrote:
> When i tried to turn on again, it came on, spun up kinda weird, and nothing
> would come up...then it would sometimes go to safe mode setup screen for a
> few seconds and before you could do anything the entire comp would just shut
> back down, or would show the XP logo for a few seconds and then shut down.
> The only way i could try and turn it on again was by turning off main power
> supply switch and turning it back on and then press button on front of
> machine. After that it would shut back down, front switch wont respond til
> you cycle the switch on Power supply again. After several attempts at getting
> anywhere that way, now no matter what i do, nothing will power up PERIOD. Is
> the entire computer junk? I hope you guys can help me as i wasn't keeping up
> on saving my pictures to disks, and i have many pics in there, including pics
> of mom who passed away in 2005
> thanks guys

It is unlikely that the entire machine is "junk" but there is no way to
tell without seeing the machine. It sounds like hardware failure. See
this link for hardware troubleshooting:

If the hard drive is physically intact, your data can be retrieved. Pull
the hard drive and either put it in an external drive enclosure or slave
it internally to a working XP machine. Copy your data off and burn to

Standard caveat: Testing hardware failures often involves swapping out
suspected parts with known-good parts. If you can't do the testing
yourself and/or are uncomfortable opening your computer, take the
machine to a professional computer repair shop (not your local
equivalent of BigComputerStore/GeekSquad). Have all your data backed up
before you take the machine into a shop. If you are unable to back up
your data yourself, a good computer repair shop can do this for you. Get
recommendations from friends and colleagues.

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