Dell Studio laptop overheating?


Active Member
Apr 5, 2005
Owner says "it heats up then turns off", I ran memtest for 2 passes, it heated up but did not shut off, I have been running Seagate tools HDD test, I had chosen the "short" test and almost immediate it is showed in red "Short DST - FAIL" but the Test Status bar is still green like it's doing something and this has been running for an hour or so now, any ideas please?
That's hard drive failure, Mike.
I wouldn't waste any more time on testing it.

Instead, I would pull off anything the owner wishes to keep while you are still able.
Continuing to run the test will place more unneeded stress on the drive.
What is confusing here is the unit was heating up only when running the memtest but after I aborted the test the unit went back to being cool, I just blew out the fan area with compressed air but the fan was running all this time, so far it has not shut down after being on for about 8 hours so without it shutting down I wouldn't want the owner to replace the drive then find out it's something else. I am thinking to first back up the owner's files as you've suggested then run some stress tests to see what happens?
Alright, I have installed hardware monitor, what should I do next please to stress the laptop? The owner doesn't have any info which needs to be saved.
Not sure cindy, I don't wish to take chance to fry the CPU and that utility looks like it will kill anything which is not 100%?
I don't think it ever really does any good to run the long test when the short one shows failure.

However a bad hard drive is not the cause of the overheating problem.
That's more than likely caused by dried up thermal paste.

So it looks as if the hard drive needs to be replaced and new thermal paste applied to the CPU.
I told the owner if she has to spend anywhere close to $200 on this old machine she's better off purchasing a new one which runs just over $300 but I appreciate the help in diagnosing, thanks!