Dell and Ubuntu

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alias
  • Start date Start date
"ray" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 17:37:57 +0200, Alias wrote:
>> Alias

> Now if they'd only make it visible. You have to know it's there in order
> to find it. They still peddle the MS corporate line on ALL advertising.

Dell main page: dell computers&dgc=ST&cid=23564&lid=543772

Lower left is:
PC Operating Systems
Windows Vista
Open-Source PCs

Click on Open- Source PC's and this comes up:

You can't find any of this? Did you look at the site with eyes closed?
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have
come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
-- Mark Twain
ceed wrote:
> fb wrote:
> |Alias## wrote:
> ||Terminator wrote:
> ||
> |||***SPAM***
> |||
> |||Cancellation Request Submitted.
> ||
> ||
> ||Denied again:
> ||
> ||
> ||
> ||Alias
> |
> |What an arrogant, uneducated, lying POS linux loser you are.
> What's wrong with OP's post? I do not get it.

This is a Microsoft Windows Vista Discussion Group.
If someone lacks the intelligence to understand what
the purpose/concept of this newsgroup is and instead posts
an entirely non-Windows Vista related question or topic, their
posts may be marked for cancellation from the MS news servers.

Common reasons for post cancellations:

** Subject is off-topic (not related to Windows Vista)

** Personal attacks

** Use of profanity

** Advertising/Solicitation

Rules of Conduct:
Alias, the sheep-fukkin lying linux troll wrote:


alias trying to rationalize his being here!

How about we send this vile, disgusting, degrading post of yours to your
ISP, huh?

"Your wife asked me if I would stroke her but I declined as I don't do
dogs. Then she screamed that I am a Linux loving commie atheist loser
and went running out into the street naked repeating that over and over
again. You know, like you do on this newsgroup.

Have you stopped fuçking your daughter yet ... LOL!


Well alias...what do you think? The pot calling the kettle black, huh?
You seem to be just another uneducated big mouth POS lying linux loser.
Best you just STFU!
zuoer wrote:

> Don't count on your luck, smuck, its running out.
> And you are in danger....

You worthless help desk loser! Best you keep trying to get your one
little install of Vista to run properly and that cardboard space ship to
fly rather than threaten me, you stupid, ignorant little creep!
Oh, and one other thing... Vista is and you're not!...LOL!
Terminator wrote:

|ceed wrote:
||fb wrote:
|>|Alias## wrote:
|>||Terminator wrote:
|>|||Cancellation Request Submitted.
|>||Denied again:
|>|What an arrogant, uneducated, lying POS linux loser you are.
||What's wrong with OP's post? I do not get it.
|This is a Microsoft Windows Vista Discussion Group.
|If someone lacks the intelligence to understand what
|the purpose/concept of this newsgroup is and instead posts
|an entirely non-Windows Vista related question or topic, their
|posts may be marked for cancellation from the MS news servers.
|Common reasons for post cancellations:
|** Subject is off-topic (not related to Windows Vista)
|** Personal attacks
|** Use of profanity
|** Advertising/Solicitation
|Rules of Conduct:

Well, I knew it was OT, but so it a lot of other stuff in here. There's
quite a few posts which mainly deals with profanities, verbal abuse and
trolling. As for OTs post it's not worse than others many others It
actually has a little bit of relevance also since it talks about how
Dell now offers Ubuntu as a replacement for Vista. That is something I
would assume a lot of people in here should appreciate since there's a
lot of complaints around Vista and how bad it is. The answer is simple:
If you hate it use something else, and now Dell offers that option.

I really like Vista, so no Ubuntu around here these days.

Alias, the sheep-fukkin lying linux troll wrote:


alias, trying to rationalize his being here!

How about we send this vile, disgusting, degrading post of yours to your
ISP, huh?

"Your wife asked me if I would stroke her but I declined as I don't do
dogs. Then she screamed that I am a Linux loving commie atheist loser
and went running out into the street naked repeating that over and over
again. You know, like you do on this newsgroup.

Have you stopped fuçking your daughter yet ... LOL!


Well alias...what do you think? The pot calling the kettle black, huh?
You seem to be just another uneducated big mouth POS lying linux loser.
Best you just STFU!
On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 09:29:09 -0700, Alex Clayton wrote:

> "ray" <> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 17:37:57 +0200, Alias wrote:

>>> Alias

>> Now if they'd only make it visible. You have to know it's there in
>> order to find it. They still peddle the MS corporate line on ALL
>> advertising.

> Really?
> Dell main page:

> Lower left is:
> PC Operating Systems
> Windows Vista
> Open-Source PCs
> Click on Open- Source PC's and this comes up:

> You can't find any of this? Did you look at the site with eyes closed?

So click on the Open-Source PCs - and what do you get:

"Not sure Open Source is for you?"
"Shop Dell PCs with Windows"

On the page you get when you click on Windows Vista, you DO NOT get:
"Not sure Microsoft Vista is for you?"
"Shop Dell PCs with Open Source"
"ray" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 09:29:09 -0700, Alex Clayton wrote:

> So click on the Open-Source PCs - and what do you get:
> "Not sure Open Source is for you?"
> "Shop Dell PCs with Windows"
> On the page you get when you click on Windows Vista, you DO NOT get:
> "Not sure Microsoft Vista is for you?"
> "Shop Dell PCs with Open Source"

So you claimed "Now if they'd only make it visible. You have to know it's
there in order
to find it."
and now that I showed you they do, your story changes to Dell is bad because
they don't offer open source PC's on the Vista page? This is not visible to
you, still? Recent grad of public education by chance?
If you have someone who can read, look at the site, you will see how to
follow the links if you want an open source PC from Dell. Since I can read,
I see a desktop (530N) starting at $459.00. They also offer 3 different
Laptops 1525N,1420N,XPSM1330. These range in start price from $$459.00-
$949.00, and are all customizable to your liking. I am not interested in an
open source, I just looked because you claimed they keep these secrete. I
needed no decoder ring, or special knowledge (other than being able to read)
to find them on the Dell site. I do NOT recommend Dell after my experience
with them, but if someone wants to have Dell build them an Open source PC,
the ability to read is all you need to do so. Of course if you can't read, I
doubt any PC is going to be of much use to you, either open source or Vista.
25% graduate functional illiterates. We should remove the warning labels
from everything and let nature take care of the problem.
Peter Weisbach
Terminator wrote:
> ceed wrote:
>> fb wrote:
>> |Alias## wrote:
>> ||Terminator wrote:
>> ||
>> |||***SPAM***
>> |||
>> |||Cancellation Request Submitted.
>> ||
>> ||
>> ||Denied again:
>> ||
>> ||
>> ||
>> ||Alias
>> |
>> |What an arrogant, uneducated, lying POS linux loser you are.
>> What's wrong with OP's post? I do not get it.

> This is a Microsoft Windows Vista Discussion Group.
> If someone lacks the intelligence to understand what
> the purpose/concept of this newsgroup is and instead posts
> an entirely non-Windows Vista related question or topic, their
> posts may be marked for cancellation from the MS news servers.
> Common reasons for post cancellations:
> ** Subject is off-topic (not related to Windows Vista)
> ** Personal attacks
> ** Use of profanity
> ** Advertising/Solicitation
> Rules of Conduct:

So why haven't you put in a request for Frank, Spanky, et al? Or is that
you, like them, are so unsure of Vista that you're afraid that the
newbies to this forum start learning about alternatives?

Alias wrote:

> Terminator wrote:
>> ceed wrote:
>>> fb wrote:
>>> |Alias## wrote:
>>> ||Terminator wrote:
>>> ||
>>> |||***SPAM***
>>> |||
>>> |||Cancellation Request Submitted.
>>> ||
>>> ||
>>> ||Denied again:
>>> ||
>>> ||
>>> ||
>>> ||Alias
>>> |
>>> |What an arrogant, uneducated, lying POS linux loser you are.
>>> What's wrong with OP's post? I do not get it.

>> This is a Microsoft Windows Vista Discussion Group.
>> If someone lacks the intelligence to understand what
>> the purpose/concept of this newsgroup is and instead posts
>> an entirely non-Windows Vista related question or topic, their
>> posts may be marked for cancellation from the MS news servers.
>> Common reasons for post cancellations:
>> ** Subject is off-topic (not related to Windows Vista)
>> ** Personal attacks
>> ** Use of profanity
>> ** Advertising/Solicitation
>> Rules of Conduct:

> So why haven't you put in a request for Frank, Spanky, et al? Or is that
> you, like them, are so unsure of Vista that you're afraid that the
> newbies to this forum start learning about alternatives?
> Alias

No, the real question is why are you still here?
You don't use Vista and you're a known and admitted lying linux troll.
Oh and spare us your lying rationalization about a "noble" thing.
It's pathetic, just like you are.
fb wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Terminator wrote:
>>> ceed wrote:
>>>> fb wrote:
>>>> |Alias## wrote:
>>>> ||Terminator wrote:
>>>> ||
>>>> |||***SPAM***
>>>> |||
>>>> |||Cancellation Request Submitted.
>>>> ||
>>>> ||
>>>> ||Denied again:
>>>> ||
>>>> ||
>>>> ||
>>>> ||Alias
>>>> |
>>>> |What an arrogant, uneducated, lying POS linux loser you are.
>>>> What's wrong with OP's post? I do not get it.
>>> This is a Microsoft Windows Vista Discussion Group.
>>> If someone lacks the intelligence to understand what
>>> the purpose/concept of this newsgroup is and instead posts
>>> an entirely non-Windows Vista related question or topic, their
>>> posts may be marked for cancellation from the MS news servers.
>>> Common reasons for post cancellations:
>>> ** Subject is off-topic (not related to Windows Vista)
>>> ** Personal attacks
>>> ** Use of profanity
>>> ** Advertising/Solicitation
>>> Rules of Conduct:

>> So why haven't you put in a request for Frank, Spanky, et al? Or is
>> that you, like them, are so unsure of Vista that you're afraid that
>> the newbies to this forum start learning about alternatives?
>> Alias

> No, the real question is why are you still here?

Google is your friend. On numerous occasions I have explained it to you
but, apparently, you're too dense to understand.

> You don't use Vista

Not a requirement to post here even though I do have it sitting on the
shelf gathering dust.

> and you're a known and admitted lying linux troll.

No, I'm not. That's your vivid imagination fooling your simpleton mind

> Oh and spare us your lying rationalization about a "noble" thing.

It is noble. You are about the farthest thing from that concept.

> It's pathetic, just like you are.

It's pathetic that you think you're fooling anyone here with your low
life and disgusting posts. You are a troll who wants to destroy this
newsgroup and you should leave forthwith.
