Delay on TTY1 before X startup?

  • Thread starter Thread starter nathanEll
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On my computer I enjoy playing video games now that steam has come out for linux. One game that I don't play much but do enjoy is Octodad. Today, while playing it, I don't know what happened or why, but while switching from fullscreen mode back into windowed mode, my computer completely locked up, no way to go into a tty or kill X with ctrl-alt-backspace or anything like that. So, nervous, I hit the reset button on my desktop.

After hitting reset, the system restarts like normal, but with a problem. Now, whenever I turn it on, rather than going straight to MDM login like normal, it will sit on TTY1 requesting for user login for about a minute then X will start up and everything works like normal. Everything seems fine once I'm able to log on as usual, except that now I have a delay on TTY1 before being able to log in graphically.

On a side note, I have a 2TB Western-Digital My Book USB3 drive that I have plugged in. Now, also new on boot, I get error messages saying sdc (it's mounted as sdc) no cache mode found, and this was not present before. Just thought I'd also mention this.

Is there any way to fix the delay? I've tried removing the ~/.Xauthority file and /etc/X11/xorg.conf files, which don't seem to accomplish anything. I've also checked the runlevel, which is still 2. I haven't installed any updates recently that would cause any errors, unless an update to mint-flashplugin-11, libc-bin, firefox, eog, or linux-firmware would cause such errors.

Thanks for any help

System: Linux Mint 16 Cinnamon using kernel 3.11.0-15-generic 64-Bit

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