decoding error 330 in Internet Connection


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I recently installed new internet equpment (modem &amp dish) to Exede. Since then I have not been able to use any browsers to do a search or even connect on certain websites. The error message comes back: with Internet Explorer it is: Error 330(net::err_content_decoding_failed):unknown
error, with Firefox it is: Content Encoding Error, The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.,

Chrome error message is the same and underneath it gives the Error 330 message, decoding failed: unknown error. It seems that Yahoo plays a big part in these error messages. My home page was set to yahoo but when I could not access the internet, I changed
my home page to MSN which loads correctly as does However, when I click on Chrome, it starts loading immediately but there is an additional tab behind that tries to load I searched everyplace in my computer and deleted anything that relates
to yahoo, but it still seems to remain a thorn in the side.

My internet provider tech support tells me my DNS is set to automatic and everything is as it should be. They cannot trouble shoot browser errors as it is a third party. It was at first thought that I needed a new router since my old one was a "g" configuration
and the new system likes an "n" configuration. Bought a new router and installed it. Nothing changed. It works fine, but neither my husband nor I can do any searches online or reach certain websites we previously could. We can send and receive emails but that's

How can I fix the compression error message so I can use the internet as it is supposed to be?

Thanks in advance,

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