debian.iso + Horrible USB problems, new issues. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter moogoesthechicken
  • Start date Start date


starts off simple, but gets MUCH MUCH WORSE

I seem to have successfully mounted a USB with

dd if=./Desktop/debian-live-7.4-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M; sync
and got:

dd if=./Desktop/debian-live-7.4-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M; sync
294+1 records in
294+1 records out
1235451904 bytes (1.2 GB) copied, 204.681 s, 6.0 MB/s

is this an indication of success? the usb seems to contain nothing yet it seems very very full and I will explain why I say that.

upon checking the properties,

contents: nothing
free space: 3.6 GB
12.3 GB used
total capacity: 16 GB

how can this be if the debian.iso is only 1.2 GB :shock:


horrible problem

what i did:

dmesg | tail (to find my USB)


sudo umount /dev/sdc1

/sbin/mkdosfs -F 32 -n debianUSB -I /dev/sdc1 (this used to rename it but doesn't work anymore for some reason) and also makes it fat32


find . -iname debian-live-7.4-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso


dd if=./Desktop/debian-live-7.4-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M; sync

so I managed to set up the USB and I hit esc during startup and then F9 for boot options. I selected my USB drive and "SUDDENLY DEBIAN"

I selected graphical install and choose "english english" etc. but then I made a mistake and choose to go "back" but instead of it going back, it went forward and asked me what type of keyboard I was using, and the button to go "back" disappeared, so I looked for a way to exit out and start over, but I was unable to, so I shut my computer down (bad idea?) and started the computer back up to try the graphical install again. I went through all the same steps but this time after selecting my usb drive, debian didn't pop up, it just remained a black screen.

"okay I messed up, my live usb's have messed up before" so I loaded back up into "broken piece of junk mint" and re did all those steps, umount, mkdosfssdffds etc. and completely re-did my usb, and put my debian.iso back onto it. THIS time however, the name of my usb magically changed to debian wheezy (without my permission) (this didn't happen the first time) and when I looked inside of it, instead of being blank like last time, it was full of what seemed to be corrupted files and strange symbols right out of the matrix movie. I re-did these steps again, tried to re-mount the live USB etc. and now when I plug in the usb, "broken junktastic mint" wont even recognize that it exists..... :( :( :(

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