Damaged XP's recovery from Hibernation?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Richard
  • Start date Start date


Hi All,

I'm an avid fan of hibernation. I powering up a computer from a
hibernation state is so much faster than allowing a re-boot.

Today, however, I managed to screw up my recover. I keep an external
hard-drive off-line (merely by keeping it switched off) except when I
want to back-up or recover something from it. I switched it on today
to either before or while I was recovering from hibernation.

The adverse symptom I got was that AVG Free Edition's Control Center
reports on component "Anti-Virus" that "Component is registered
correctly; however determining status failed with error code

More significantly, running selected test reports read-errors on a
slew of things, e.g. Partition table, Boot sector and DLLs: kernel,
user32, etc.

Except for AVG's heartburn, my system seems to running fine. Any
recommendations as to how I should proceed? I'm inclined to think I
should just assume XP really is fine and merely un-/re-install AVG to
get anti-virus protection working again.

WinXP-Pro/SP2, Ruby 1.8.2-15, Rails 1.1.6, Gem 0.9, MySQL 5.0.27-nt,
SciTE 1.72,
FireFox, IE 7.0, OE 6.0, MS Office 2003 SP2,
Java JVM 1.5.0_11-b03, Apache Tomcat/5.5.12,
MSDevEnv 2002 v. 7.0.9466. .NET Frwk 1.0,
AVG-Free 7.5.430, Prevx1, Startup Cop Pro 2.03