• Thread starter Thread starter Steven
  • Start date Start date


After recovering from an adware/spyware infection, I now find myself with a
program start issue. Some programs now do not start correctly. Programs such
as Comodo's new version of their firewall show this message when the program
tries to start: "Windows Installer is trying to find the installation package
'' in a folder from which you can install." It looks for
this package on a CD Rom or other removable disk, Path#1. Windows Installer
does not find it and I cancel whatever its asking for. The program then
launches normally. Sometimes it takes several tries to cancel installation of
'" before the program opens. If this was removed
accidentally, how can I replace this "MSI" file?
It appears that the adware/spyware etc corrupted quite a lot of stuff on your
box. The windows installer maintains a record of all files associated with a
installed application and also maintains a cache of all msi files required to
automatically fix a broken app. In your case it appears that the windows
installer msi cache has also gone corrupt and windows installer is unable to
automatically fix/replace corrupted components. On a working box try the
following to see what I mean. Create a test.vbs file and run it on your box
to get a list of installed application and the msi cache information

On error resume next
Dim sComputerName,WMI_Obj,WMI_ObjProps,ObjClsItem
sComputerName=InputBox("Enter Computer Name: . for local computer
","Select target computer",".")
If Len(Trim(sComputerName)) = 0 Then sComputerName = "."
Set WMI_Obj = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & sComputerName & "\root\cimv2")
Set WMI_ObjProps = WMI_Obj.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product", , 48)

Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set results = filesys.CreateTextFile("Win32_Product_output.csv")
results.writeline "AssignmentType, Caption, Description, HelpLink,
HelpTelephone, IdentifyingNumber, InstallDate, InstallDate2, InstallLocation,
InstallSource, InstallState, Language, LocalPackage, Name, PackageCache,
PackageCode, PackageName, ProductID, RegCompany, RegOwner, SKUNumber,
Transforms, URLInfoAbout, URLUpdateInfo, Vendor, Version, WordCount, "

For Each ObjClsItem in WMI_ObjProps
results.writeline ObjClsItem.AssignmentType & "," & ObjClsItem.Caption &
"," & ObjClsItem.Description & "," & ObjClsItem.HelpLink & "," &
ObjClsItem.HelpTelephone & "," & ObjClsItem.IdentifyingNumber & "," &
ObjClsItem.InstallDate & "," & ObjClsItem.InstallDate2 & "," &
ObjClsItem.InstallLocation & "," & ObjClsItem.InstallSource & "," &
ObjClsItem.InstallState & "," & ObjClsItem.Language & "," &
ObjClsItem.LocalPackage & "," & ObjClsItem.Name & "," &
ObjClsItem.PackageCache & "," & ObjClsItem.PackageCode & "," &
ObjClsItem.PackageName & "," & ObjClsItem.ProductID & "," &
ObjClsItem.RegCompany & "," & ObjClsItem.RegOwner & "," &
ObjClsItem.SKUNumber & "," & ObjClsItem.Transforms & "," &
ObjClsItem.URLInfoAbout & "," & ObjClsItem.URLUpdateInfo & "," &
ObjClsItem.Vendor & "," & ObjClsItem.Version & "," & ObjClsItem.WordCount &
"," & " "


Wscript.Echo "Done ! Check Win32_Product_output.csv"

"Steven" wrote:

> After recovering from an adware/spyware infection, I now find myself with a
> program start issue. Some programs now do not start correctly. Programs such
> as Comodo's new version of their firewall show this message when the program
> tries to start: "Windows Installer is trying to find the installation package
> '' in a folder from which you can install." It looks for
> this package on a CD Rom or other removable disk, Path#1. Windows Installer
> does not find it and I cancel whatever its asking for. The program then
> launches normally. Sometimes it takes several tries to cancel installation of
> '" before the program opens. If this was removed
> accidentally, how can I replace this "MSI" file?
Package cache is maintained under %windir%\installer and if this is not found
it will attempt to fix it trying to reach the install path used to install
the app

"Steven" wrote:

> After recovering from an adware/spyware infection, I now find myself with a
> program start issue. Some programs now do not start correctly. Programs such
> as Comodo's new version of their firewall show this message when the program
> tries to start: "Windows Installer is trying to find the installation package
> '' in a folder from which you can install." It looks for
> this package on a CD Rom or other removable disk, Path#1. Windows Installer
> does not find it and I cancel whatever its asking for. The program then
> launches normally. Sometimes it takes several tries to cancel installation of
> '" before the program opens. If this was removed
> accidentally, how can I replace this "MSI" file?
Thank you so much for responding. Your reply did go beyond my skill level.
The only language I have learned is basic HTML as a project to create a web
page for my wife. I do not know how to create a test.vbs file.
Unfortunately it appears that it is not fixable without reloading windows. I
was hoping for a quick fix. Oh well.

"gsjutla" wrote:

> It appears that the adware/spyware etc corrupted quite a lot of stuff on your
> box. The windows installer maintains a record of all files associated with a
> installed application and also maintains a cache of all msi files required to
> automatically fix a broken app. In your case it appears that the windows
> installer msi cache has also gone corrupt and windows installer is unable to
> automatically fix/replace corrupted components. On a working box try the
> following to see what I mean. Create a test.vbs file and run it on your box
> to get a list of installed application and the msi cache information
> On error resume next
> Dim sComputerName,WMI_Obj,WMI_ObjProps,ObjClsItem
> sComputerName=InputBox("Enter Computer Name: . for local computer
> ","Select target computer",".")
> If Len(Trim(sComputerName)) = 0 Then sComputerName = "."
> Set WMI_Obj = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & sComputerName & "\root\cimv2")
> Set WMI_ObjProps = WMI_Obj.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product", , 48)
> Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
> Set results = filesys.CreateTextFile("Win32_Product_output.csv")
> results.writeline "AssignmentType, Caption, Description, HelpLink,
> HelpTelephone, IdentifyingNumber, InstallDate, InstallDate2, InstallLocation,
> InstallSource, InstallState, Language, LocalPackage, Name, PackageCache,
> PackageCode, PackageName, ProductID, RegCompany, RegOwner, SKUNumber,
> Transforms, URLInfoAbout, URLUpdateInfo, Vendor, Version, WordCount, "
> For Each ObjClsItem in WMI_ObjProps
> results.writeline ObjClsItem.AssignmentType & "," & ObjClsItem.Caption &
> "," & ObjClsItem.Description & "," & ObjClsItem.HelpLink & "," &
> ObjClsItem.HelpTelephone & "," & ObjClsItem.IdentifyingNumber & "," &
> ObjClsItem.InstallDate & "," & ObjClsItem.InstallDate2 & "," &
> ObjClsItem.InstallLocation & "," & ObjClsItem.InstallSource & "," &
> ObjClsItem.InstallState & "," & ObjClsItem.Language & "," &
> ObjClsItem.LocalPackage & "," & ObjClsItem.Name & "," &
> ObjClsItem.PackageCache & "," & ObjClsItem.PackageCode & "," &
> ObjClsItem.PackageName & "," & ObjClsItem.ProductID & "," &
> ObjClsItem.RegCompany & "," & ObjClsItem.RegOwner & "," &
> ObjClsItem.SKUNumber & "," & ObjClsItem.Transforms & "," &
> ObjClsItem.URLInfoAbout & "," & ObjClsItem.URLUpdateInfo & "," &
> ObjClsItem.Vendor & "," & ObjClsItem.Version & "," & ObjClsItem.WordCount &
> "," & " "
> Next
> Wscript.Echo "Done ! Check Win32_Product_output.csv"
> "Steven" wrote:
> > After recovering from an adware/spyware infection, I now find myself with a
> > program start issue. Some programs now do not start correctly. Programs such
> > as Comodo's new version of their firewall show this message when the program
> > tries to start: "Windows Installer is trying to find the installation package
> > '' in a folder from which you can install." It looks for
> > this package on a CD Rom or other removable disk, Path#1. Windows Installer
> > does not find it and I cancel whatever its asking for. The program then
> > launches normally. Sometimes it takes several tries to cancel installation of
> > '" before the program opens. If this was removed
> > accidentally, how can I replace this "MSI" file?