Crucial MX100 SSD $111.00

I've got 2 of these in my main desktop. Great drives. Make sure you update the firmware as soon as you plug it in.
I will receive these likely Tuesday. Thanks for the heads up! I will definitely do that.
I saw that and was going to post it but I'm afraid I am either boring everyone or breaking others with these. I would have much preferred that to the PNY and they are busting my chops now on the PNY rebates to the point I will probably give up on the rebate. I broke one of my cardinal rules buying those and that was to never buy with rebates and sure enough I am taking it in the shorts over freakin $20 which they can soon stick where the "sun don't shine".
First they sent a rejection even though in what they show received shows the receipt but try to talk to them. I think they are available 1 hour a day M_F where a human being is there. So I sent email with better copy of receipt now they want the signed slip for rebate all over again by mail and won't open the Adobe pdf attachment to read the sales order slip. It is becoming more of an endurance contest than a quest for a rebate.
I feel your pain. I gave up on the rebate too. I did everything they asked and so far haven't got a dime. Maybe it's in the mail.