Copy PW protected folder/files to new system?


Oct 29, 2004
I recieved an exchange of my tower from the manufacture... the mother board had burned up... Both OS windows XP, old one was Pro new one Home

I connected the`Primary drive that was in the old tower as cable select in the new system and copied over most of the files I needed ... except for one folder in the path Documents and settings

.. as you know this folder contained my Desktop, favorites and files and folders that were on my desktop.

When trying to copy this folder I get the message: "F:\Documents and Settings\Tim is not accessible Access denied."

I'm assuming for the moment that I get message when trying to copy these over because I had my user account password protected, but I haven't been able to find a work around, and neither can the techs at Dell, anyways ... I can't be the first person to have this problem.... any clues?? going safe mode and trying to access it in Adminstrator account didn't work
Ok ... heres the soultion That worked for me .. I started up in safe mode which creates an Adminstrator user account at the log in screen. I signed in, browsed, rt ckicked, properties advanced properties and assigned ownership of the folder (and sub items check box) to Adminstrator(S) account, and then had full access to it. Easy :)