Connecting to the internet on desktop pc, laptop pc, and mobile

  • Thread starter Thread starter traveling_teenager
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Hi. Back around 15th of December i took off with my great grandparents on the road for a while and everything was working fine over at my aunt and uncles place ok. Well i got back yesterday and my dad told me to head over to my aunt and uncles cause there having some computer problems. Now im 16 and i know alot of stuff about fixing computers but not everything. Once i got over there my aunt and uncle they were telling me about it and showed me. Now my uncles pc is a windows vista my aunts pc is a xp both desktops. On my uncles pc the internet was working perfect now however on my aunts pc it wasnt. It poped up (the network password needs to be 40 bits or 104 bits depending on your network configuration. This can be entered as 5 or 13 ascii characters or 26 hexadecimal characters). So i went in to her pc and check to see if the service pack 3 was installed and it is. I then said let me go get my laptop from home and ill be back. I only live 2 1/2 blocks away from them. When i got back i was going to do some looking on the internet and i then notice my laptop (windows 7) didnt even connect. There internet name didnt even pop up on my laptop. Now im over there on a almost daily bases when im home cause there the ones who home school me when im not on the road rv wise. So then i grab my android smart phone and it wasnt even connect nor there internet name pop up. So i got up and went right next to there internet box/modem and still nothing on my phone. So i then unplugged the cords on the internet box/modem and plugged them back in still nothing. Now however my cell phone and laptop was also connected to the internet but my great grandparents internet a day before i got home so i also know its not the 802.11 wireless driver or what ever that number is it is installed. So dose anybody on here know whats wrong or what I/they need to do or what.

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