Confusing Ms information re obtaining SP1 through Windows Update


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have just carried out a clean install on Vista and have run Windows Update and installed all updates offered. However, after 3 days I have still not received an offer of SP1. I am reluctant to download the large stand-alone version as a) Ms website states
this should not be used for a single computer download but Windows Update is the correct route to take b) others on this forum seem to have been offered SP1 automatically on Windows Update as recently as 3 months ago, even though Ms support ceased in 2011
and c) apparently, the download of the stand-alone version may not work if I have still not received all the pre-requisite updates from Windows Update.

My questions are:-
1) Have I waited long enough now to be certain I'm not going to be offered SP1 and

2) Why are Ms saying on the one hand that Windows Update route should be used not the stand-alone version and then, on the other hand, stating elsewhere that all SP1 support has been withdrawn?

Any advice would be most welcome

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