Computers restarts after loading windows


Aug 20, 2005
I have no idea what the problem is or what caused it... my friend was playing world of warcraft and it all of a suddenly just restarted. Every time I've turned the computer on after that, it just restarts after getting to the desktop and staying there for a couple seconds. I went into safe mode and under My Computer> Properties> Advanced and unchecked the box that says "Automatically Restart." Now when I load the computer up, it gets to the desktop and gives me a BSOD that has this message under Technical Information:

***STOP:0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x80593C85, 0xF369F9AC, 0x00000000)
Beginning dump of physical memory.
Physical memory dump complete.

If anyone could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.
That's a rather severe error. I'd start by reseating your graphics card, memory, and hard drive cables. If it still reboots, I would try swapping out the video card for a known good one (or switching to onboard video if you have it). The problem beginning during World of Warcraft leads me to think that if it's not simply a lose connection, that some thermal damage may have occured to some component. You can also try swapping the memory with known goods, and booting from something other than your present primary HD (Knoppix disc, another HD, etc).