Computer randomly rebooting...

Holdyn Wolf

Mar 17, 2005
Alright, it's been happening for a while now. It will randomly reboot at times, sometimes right after starting up, sometimes for a while it will run before rebooting.

I Thought it might be the graphics card, seemed to do it when ever I did something graphically intensitve...ex) playing DAOC. Well I changed video cards, still does it, not as bad though...changed bios battery...fhecked fans, all seem to be working well...added more ram...

Then I found something said to turn off the restart option for Windows XP in the System in Control Panel.

I did that. When it would normally have rebooted, I got an error that the file became corrupt. This was while trying to play the Game Dark Ages of Camelot. However I don't believe it's limited to just this game. It has happened before when surfing the web, as well as just listening to music.

My only other ideas right now is that the CPU is getting overheated, that my hard drive is going bad...or well. That's all I can freaken think of.

Any ideas?
Well, this sounds exactly like what you suspect: an overheating issue with either the proc or the HDD (ruling out the graphics because you replaced the card). When it happens, open your case and feel your drives and various heatsinks. Things should be warm, but not burning hot (your CPU heatsink might be fairly hot, but still a good thing to take note of). What sort of cooling are you using on your CPU? What is the case cooling setup looking like? Have you cleaned dust from the various fan holes and heatsink fins?