Computer Locked Scare.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2009
Sydney Australia
These clowns should be hunted down and de-nutted.
Malwarebytes say Computer is clean.
At the moment, every time I try and access the net, this page pops up.
Have got a clone, but will lose latest programs, Photoshop edits and Data.

I got one of these a week or so ago whilst just playing around. (mine even spoke to me and read out the message)
With some, even if you click to close the message it won't go away.
When that's the case (as in mine) it's because a process has been started.
Pulling up Task Manager and searching for the strange process and closing it, clears the message. (or reboot as Tony said)
Normally there's no after effects... it's just a money making scam.
Yes the woman spoke non stop till I shut down the Computer time after time.
How many they must catch with this scam.
A normal person would panic.
There was no other option but to reboot, Tony. That's what I did.
That's right Dougie, a lot would panic and ring the number.
Mine wasn't from a free program, it was from a webpage I opened.