Computer having frequent crashing issues

  • Thread starter Thread starter TKolbo
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I've been having trouble with my computer over the last 2 weeks. I had two desktops, one of which I didn't use for an extended period of time. I decided to switch over the some parts from the other one to get the best of both. I booted it up, and updated everything. Drivers, OS updates. everything. It was running fine for a few days. Had it blue screen a few days later. Then it didn't do it again.

I didn't fool with it as it didn't happen again for a few days, and I assumed it was a fluke. I left it alone, and a week later it happened again. I didn't get the error codes for either of these as I wasn't prepared for them. So I started keeping stuff in reach, and 7 days ago, it became much more frequent. About once a day it would fail. However sometimes it would fail, but not blue screen. The speakers would go haywire as normal, but the screens appeared frozen. Other times it would start to blue screen, and then freeze. I started writing down the codes, and trouble shooting.

At first, the computer was throwing up low RAM messages and changing my theme. Although, the widget I was using to track usage as well as the task manager only read at about 50% physical memory used. One blue screen shortly after that pointed to an NTFS paging file error. I checked the paging file and saw that it was set pretty low. I changed it and let it be. It failed again, this time pointing to a memory management error Throwing up the code 0x0000001a.

I thought perhaps the hard drive was corrupt and throwing up more issues with the paging file, so I ran a checkdisk, and let it run through. It came back with 288kb of bad sectors, fixed it, and let it do its stuff. The next day, it failed again, this time just freezing up.

I decided to run a memory test, and it found 1 error. I assumed this was from the overclocking of the RAM that I had setup. I changed it back, and ran the test a number of other times, and it came back clean.

The next blue screen to happen came up with a 0x00000050 error, saying that PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. The computer attempted to restart, but got stuck on the loading screen, so I system restored.

I'm going to start running the RAM stick by stick to see if theres a problem the tests aren't catching, but I'm assuming the problem is elsewhere. I'd love if anyone had any idea of where to look or what to specifically test next.

I'm running:
i7 930
Asus P658D Premium - Mobo
6GB of Patriot:Sector RAM
PNY 260 and Radeon 6870 (Not trying to be connected, just to run my additional monitor)

My temps have all been fine. One thing I'm noticing now is that my Dxdiag is showing me the wrong amount of memory. The first time I booted this one up, I believe it showed me 7GB of RAM (I ignored it, or I may have imagined it). Any other time I've looked at it it has registered 6GB, however now Its registering 4GB. I don't know if a memory stick has gone completely bad and just isnt registering, or if the mother board is starting to not read. Any ideas?

I don't know a good way to post the crash dumps to here. If someone needs them, and can tell me how to bring them over, I would be happy to do so.

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