Completed Transition to Vista and Ubuntu, Just FYI

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I Was Running Windows 2008 Server On My Desktop And I Didn't Realize What An
Idiot I Was For Doing So When Someone Told Me That I Should Be Running Vista
On My Desktop And Also Have A Partition For Running Ubuntu. Just FYI.

I Loaded Vista Ultimate On My PC, Got Everything Running, Installed Virus
Software And My Applications. I Then Installed Ubuntu As A Partition. Just

I Am So Glad That I Removed Windows 2008 Server Off My PC. What An Idiot I
Was. Just FYI. When I Told My Doctor, He Said Take More Medication. Just
FYI. I Am Glad That I Did Because Now I Have Office On My PC And It Works
Very Well. Just FYI.

I Need To Do The Windows Updates, Just FYI. Updating Takes A Long Time.
Just FYI. I Think I Will ReApply At The Post Office And See If They Have
More Work For Me Part Time. Just FYI