

Active Member
Jan 4, 2013
Silver Spring MD
I hope there are some Comcast users here.
I went to check my settings in their gateway router and found my password opened and my key exposed. I was told it might have been a firmware upgrade.
I don't think that is so.
I have temporarily beefed up the password to enter the setup for now but have question;

I used to bridge their router within the gateway then use my own router till it died. Do you recommend I use a router to avoid prying eyes. I cannot find out if Comcast can see on my side of their router.

My old router never had bridging as I just clicked bridging on the Comcast router so I suspect I do not need bridging on my new one I will be getting.

Thank you
That's a good idea to change the router log-in password. If there's a firmware upgrade available, go for it. There should be a button to click on in the router's page to check for a firmware update.

You may have a little more privacy using a second router behind Comcast's router. I'm just not sure.
I think they may have upgraded firmware or were peeking; on the other hand it was left in such disarray it may have been hacked.
I think I will get my own tomorrow and bridge theirs.
I was talking with some friends who know networking well. They explained bridging could reduce effectiveness and there is no need for another router. A strong login password is all I need.
Comcast echoed that statement.
I can't defend the position as I don't really understand it but that is their point of view.