Comcast Apologizes After Customer's Name Shows Up as 'A--Hole' on Bill

allheart55 (Cindy E)

Jul 12, 2014
Levittown, Pennsylvania

Every Comcast call that ever was or is or will be, pictured above. (Via Thinkstock)

Everyone knows that Comcast … struggles with customer service. Now, new evidence has surfaced to suggest that at least one of its employees is also just plain mean.

Via, a Spokane, Wash., resident named Lisa Brown claims that, after she called Comcast to cancel her family’s cable, her husband’s name was changed from Ricardo Brown to “Asshole” Brown on her most recent cable provider bill.


Not a good look, Comcast. (Via

Brown’s story surfaced in a report from consumer advocate blogger Christopher Elliott:

"Brown has tried to fix the name herself," he wrote. "She’s visited her local Comcast office and phoned higher-ups in the Washington region. But she wasn’t getting anywhere and needed help."

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Apparently, Lisa Brown called to cancel the cable portion of the bill because her family was experiencing financial difficulties and she wanted to cut costs. She was — of course — transferred to a retention specialist, who tried to persuade her to sign up for a new two-year contract. When the specialist proved ineffective, she was charged a $60 cancellation fee.

Elliott said that it was only after he reached out to the Comcast communications staff that the company responded to Brown’s complaints.

While Jenni Moyer, senior director of Comcast corporate communications, said she couldn’t verify that timeline, she did confirm to Yahoo Tech that the incident happened. She also offered an apology.

"We have spoken with our customer and apologized for this completely unacceptable and inappropriate name change," she told Yahoo Tech. "We have zero tolerance for this type of disrespectful behavior and are conducting a thorough investigation to determine what happened. We are working with our customer to make this right and will take appropriate steps to prevent this from happening again."

At the very least, my girl Lisa should definitely get her $60 back. And maybe free HBO for life? Yeah, definitely free HBO for life.