clean reinstall of XP

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I have a 7-yr old dell and through the years I've accumulated a lot of
programs & files that I don't need and are slowing down the
performance. I decided to reformat C: (wipe everything clean) and
reinstall C: I backed up all the files onto a secondary interal
drive...then booted up from the XP disk. After C: was reformated, I
had to reboot then load started copying files, got all the way
to the end, but said it couldn't copy some 'system' folder (I think).
So, then I started again...this time doing a quick format and
installing. It started copying files but this time only got to about
4% complete and said it couldn't copy some 'odbc' file. I 've tried
numerous times and it always stops at some point where it can't copy a
certain file. Now, I can't even format just hangs up. Do I
need a new harddrive? Are my files that I backed up on the secondary
drive safe? Is it possible that bad memory has anything to do with
it? I recently purchased two 512 PCI133. I installed these a month
ago...they were recognized, but the computer wasn't working, so I put
back in the old memory. I thought the reinstall might solve this
problem too.
Installation problems often caused by;
Damaged / marked cd
Failing cd drive
Iffy memory ( to create bootable test utility)
Other hw problem
The HD makers site will have a bootable test utility available also

<> wrote in message
>I have a 7-yr old dell and through the years I've accumulated a lot of
> programs & files that I don't need and are slowing down the
> performance. I decided to reformat C: (wipe everything clean) and
> reinstall C: I backed up all the files onto a secondary interal
> drive...then booted up from the XP disk. After C: was reformated, I
> had to reboot then load started copying files, got all the way
> to the end, but said it couldn't copy some 'system' folder (I think).
> So, then I started again...this time doing a quick format and
> installing. It started copying files but this time only got to about
> 4% complete and said it couldn't copy some 'odbc' file. I 've tried
> numerous times and it always stops at some point where it can't copy a
> certain file. Now, I can't even format just hangs up. Do I
> need a new harddrive? Are my files that I backed up on the secondary
> drive safe? Is it possible that bad memory has anything to do with
> it? I recently purchased two 512 PCI133. I installed these a month
> ago...they were recognized, but the computer wasn't working, so I put
> back in the old memory. I thought the reinstall might solve this
> problem too.
Windows XP Setup Cannot Continue (includes how to order a replacement CD)


<> wrote in message
>I have a 7-yr old dell and through the years I've accumulated a lot of
> programs & files that I don't need and are slowing down the
> performance. I decided to reformat C: (wipe everything clean) and
> reinstall C: I backed up all the files onto a secondary interal
> drive...then booted up from the XP disk. After C: was reformated, I
> had to reboot then load started copying files, got all the way
> to the end, but said it couldn't copy some 'system' folder (I think).
> So, then I started again...this time doing a quick format and
> installing. It started copying files but this time only got to about
> 4% complete and said it couldn't copy some 'odbc' file. I 've tried
> numerous times and it always stops at some point where it can't copy a
> certain file. Now, I can't even format just hangs up. Do I
> need a new harddrive? Are my files that I backed up on the secondary
> drive safe? Is it possible that bad memory has anything to do with
> it? I recently purchased two 512 PCI133. I installed these a month
> ago...they were recognized, but the computer wasn't working, so I put
> back in the old memory. I thought the reinstall might solve this
> problem too.
<> wrote in message
>I have a 7-yr old dell and through the years I've accumulated a lot of
> programs & files that I don't need and are slowing down the
> performance. I decided to reformat C: (wipe everything clean) and
> reinstall C: I backed up all the files onto a secondary interal
> drive...then booted up from the XP disk. After C: was reformated, I
> had to reboot then load started copying files, got all the way
> to the end, but said it couldn't copy some 'system' folder (I think).
> So, then I started again...this time doing a quick format and
> installing. It started copying files but this time only got to about
> 4% complete and said it couldn't copy some 'odbc' file. I 've tried
> numerous times and it always stops at some point where it can't copy a
> certain file.

These are usually symptoms of a damaged CD, or failing memory. Look
closely at the surface of the disk, and use compressed air to clean out the
optical drive.

> Now, I can't even format just hangs up. Do I
> need a new harddrive?

Probably not. That specific problem is not usually the hard disk.

> Are my files that I backed up on the secondary
> drive safe?

Probably yes, but they will be safer *if you physically remove the disk*.
This will remove the possibility of accidentally formatting the wrong drive.

As well, if the problem is memory, the data can corrupt during the backup or
copy process. The process *should* test the target files and verify them,
but errors happen.

> Is it possible that bad memory has anything to do with
> it?

Yes. One of the reasons for the "Cannot copy" message can be that the file
corrupted during the copy, in memory, and what ended on disk does not match
what was expected.

> I recently purchased two 512 PCI133. I installed these a month
> ago...they were recognized, but the computer wasn't working, so I put
> back in the old memory. I thought the reinstall might solve this
> problem too.

Reinstalls seldom repair hardware problems.

Try another CD first. You might try making a careful copy of your install
CD, or ordering one from Dell - expect a cost.

<> wrote in message
>I have a 7-yr old dell and through the years I've accumulated a lot of
> programs & files that I don't need and are slowing down the
> performance. I decided to reformat C: (wipe everything clean) and
> reinstall C: I backed up all the files onto a secondary interal
> drive...then booted up from the XP disk. After C: was reformated, I
> had to reboot then load started copying files, got all the way
> to the end, but said it couldn't copy some 'system' folder (I think).
> So, then I started again...this time doing a quick format and
> installing. It started copying files but this time only got to about
> 4% complete and said it couldn't copy some 'odbc' file. I 've tried
> numerous times and it always stops at some point where it can't copy a
> certain file. Now, I can't even format just hangs up. Do I
> need a new harddrive? Are my files that I backed up on the secondary
> drive safe? Is it possible that bad memory has anything to do with
> it? I recently purchased two 512 PCI133. I installed these a month
> ago...they were recognized, but the computer wasn't working, so I put
> back in the old memory. I thought the reinstall might solve this
> problem too.

2 possible sources, normally speaking, of this type of problem.

The CD reader, clean it with CD designed for cleaning your CD reader.

The media, XP installation CD dirty. In a sanitary clean area, using warm
soap and water, wash the CD carefully using a soft sponge. Rinse with clean
warm water. Wipe the CD with clean dry paper towel from the inside to
outside of the CD. Do not wipe in a circular fashion. Air dry with the
data side up for about 10 minutes or more. If you have hard water, you may
have to use distilled water for a rinse agent instead of tap water. This is
because minerals left from drying settled on the CD, making CD reading
spotting in some situation.

The media, XP installation CD is physically damaged. Replace it.

Bad memory (RAM) can cause I/O low-level problems that result in minor data
problems to outright garbage. So can a bad data cable on the CD reader. So
can a device on the same cable incompatible with the CD reader.

Start with the basics, then work on possible low-level I/O problems.
> <> wrote in message
>>I have a 7-yr old dell and through the years I've accumulated a lot of
>> programs & files that I don't need and are slowing down the
>> performance. I decided to reformat C: (wipe everything clean) and
>> reinstall C: I backed up all the files onto a secondary interal
>> drive...then booted up from the XP disk. After C: was reformated, I
>> had to reboot then load started copying files, got all the way
>> to the end, but said it couldn't copy some 'system' folder (I think).
>> So, then I started again...this time doing a quick format and
>> installing. It started copying files but this time only got to about
>> 4% complete and said it couldn't copy some 'odbc' file. I 've tried
>> numerous times and it always stops at some point where it can't copy a
>> certain file. Now, I can't even format just hangs up. Do I
>> need a new harddrive? Are my files that I backed up on the secondary
>> drive safe? Is it possible that bad memory has anything to do with
>> it? I recently purchased two 512 PCI133. I installed these a month
>> ago...they were recognized, but the computer wasn't working, so I put
>> back in the old memory. I thought the reinstall might solve this
>> problem too.

While the problem you're experiencing *may* be due to an "unclean" or
otherwise defective XP OS installation CD or a defective optical drive,
let's proceed at least for the moment that those are *not* your problems.
And we'll further assume, again for the moment, that your HDD is *not*

You say that "After C: was reformated, I had to reboot then load XP...".
Normally the process of fresh installing the XP OS is a "single-type" of
event whereby during the installation process you have an opportunity to
create one or more partitions on your disk and then install the OS onto one
of those partitions. So that the partitioning/formatting of the HDD is an
*integrated* process while using the XP OS is fresh installed onto that HDD.
There is ordinarily no reason why the disk should be separately
partitioned/formatted prior to the XP OS installation.

You give the impression that you've undertaken a *separate* process to
"reformat C:". I'm wondering whether somehow this might occasion the problem
you're experiencing in not being able to fresh install the XP OS. You even
say "Now, I can't even format just hangs up." Whatever that means.

Just one other thing...

You've indicated that "I backed up all the files onto a secondary interal
drive". Good. But you do understand that after you (hopefully) successfully
fresh install the XP OS onto your HDD, you will have to fresh install (in
most cases) the programs/applications you're intending to use, right?
Presumably you have the media (CDs, etc.) containing those programs. Of
course there shouldn't be any problem in copying back to the newly-installed
OS on your HDD your user-created data from your secondary HDD.
Anna wrote:
> I have a 7-yr old dell and through the years I've accumulated a lot of
> programs & files that I don't need and are slowing down the
> performance. I decided to reformat C: (wipe everything clean) and
> reinstall C: I backed up all the files onto a secondary interal
> drive...then booted up from the XP disk. After C: was reformated, I
> had to reboot then load started copying files, got all the way
> to the end, but said it couldn't copy some 'system' folder (I think).
> So, then I started again...this time doing a quick format and
> installing. It started copying files but this time only got to about
> 4% complete and said it couldn't copy some 'odbc' file. I 've tried
> numerous times and it always stops at some point where it can't copy a
> certain file. Now, I can't even format just hangs up. Do I
> need a new harddrive? Are my files that I backed up on the secondary
> drive safe? Is it possible that bad memory has anything to do with
> it? I recently purchased two 512 PCI133. I installed these a month
> ago...they were recognized, but the computer wasn't working, so I put
> back in the old memory. I thought the reinstall might solve this
> problem too.

Problems copying files or corrupted files during installation (even
a Repair installation) are most often caused by defective, incompatible,
or sub-standard hardware; in order of likelihood, either RAM, the hard
drive, or the motherboard. On very rare occasions the CD drive or
installation CD is the problem.

Start with testing the RAM. You might try MemTest86: It's free. Then you can download and use the
hard drive manufacturer's diagnostic utility to test the hard drive. If
both RAM and hard drive test out clean, check with the motherboard
manufacturer for any diagnostic utilities.


Bruce Chambers

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