Choosing the right GPU.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2009
Sydney Australia
I slipped down to the Computer shop I frequent looking for a XFX R9 380X card Ice Man recommended for my latest build. They didn't have one so I will order this card.
I needed a good card for another computer I have and saw an ASUS Strix GeForce GTX 960 OC edition 2 gig on their shelf. I remebered this is a card I recommended to another member here some months ago.
This card can service 4 monitors all with different URL's on at the same time. Anyway I bought it for $309 (not cheap) I had a look at the bench marks and not a bad card for Mid to High Gaming as well I should think.

My question to the experts. Is this card likely to fill up the Frame buffer too quickly and what resolution should I set it at to get reasonably good FPS.What's your opinion on this card?
I do not think it will fill the frame buffer quickly though being a 128 Bit card, and also 2GB you would want to keep it on a resolution no more than 1920x1080 for top performance. It's basically a perfect 1080p card just like the R9 280/380x. That is a heck of a GPU for a very nice higher- midrange gaming/graphics system. It will be playable in any game at 35-40+ FPS on the highest settings at that resolution. Draws little power as well.
Thanks for the feed back, Ice Man.Much appreciated.
That's good to know.
Haven't fitted the card yet, but hope to tomorrow.
My PSU is plenty strong enough.
Thanks Ice Man. Will watch now.

I am stoked how well this card performed under such demanding taxing Games.
I thought the card handled "Witcher3" pretty good.
"Dying Light" also. I thought the guy played with settings too much.
Good One.
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Yeah he did play with settings too much but it's because at that time the GTX 960 was somewhat new, and he was trying to show variances on the smallest tweaks that could cause an FPS difference. For instance draw distance and shadows. In high end games, especially the new ones if you reduce draw distance, or FOV, you can get a nice FPS increase. With this specific game, draw distance has a major effect, and more so that most other games. In other games, ultra textures, or ultra (or high) shadows can have an effect on frames per second.
This card can service 4 monitors all with different URL's on at the same time.
I am curious/puzzled by what you mean by "different URLs". In any multi-monitor setup, if you have the OS Display settings set to "extend these displays", you can easily move various open browser windows (all with different URLs) to any monitor you want - or even split across two or more monitors. So I am wondering if you meant URL or perhaps different background images? And as for background images, I note there are some pretty cool very high resolution background images for quad monitor setups for a full panoramic experience.

And BTW, according to this page, the R9 380X can support up to 6 displays at once. So clearly, you need to buy two more monitors! ;)