Check for updates not working


Active Member
Apr 5, 2005
On this Dell 9020 machine I just reinstalled win7 32bit, all is working except for the windows update. I tried a few things found on the net but didn't work, anyone got an easy fix please?
Oh geez, my brain is fried Cindy, what a day. I tried quite a few instructions from the net and now when i click on the Windows Update tab in the CP it is hanging. Maybe trying all of those fixes may have messed up something more.
Just tried installing the windows update agent but:
Install failed with following error number 0x8000ffff
But now it's back to normal. Sorry i did not answer your question before, when I click on Check for Updates, the error prompt which appears shows:

Windows update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer.
Nothing's stupid Cindy, yes I had tried restarting, looks like I have now tried everything so if anything else comes to mind or what the issue could be please post. I am done for today, been working since 6am this morning, have a great night!
Just a though but have you gone to Services and see if it's running? If not, start it (Windows Update Service). I'm not on a W7 machine right now to provide instructions. It's typically something like right-click on Computer and select Manage. From there go to Services and Applications and then Services.

You can start the Service. You can also check to see if it's set to start automatically. On this W10 machine, it's set to start manually which surprised me because this machine updated by itself just the other day. I'll take a look at that some other time.
This machine is working fine except for the dvd, online videos shows perfect. Since the owner only needs this for running a clinical software for his doctor's office he will take this as is so we needn't bother to do any more. I am saying this even though I hate not being able to solve a problem but thanks for the help guys!
Oh, I had thought that was it, yes I am willing to try anything else. Strangest thing though, I am now trying to reload win7 on their 2nd identical pc and when it's getting to the end I am getting these error messages:

Windows setup could not configure windows to run on this computer's hardware.

but on this 2nd pc, I am getting another error

Windows could not complete the installation. To install windows on this computer, restart the installation.

When i restart it keeps going back to that error. If ok with you, help me load windows on this one first please then we can address the windows updating issue on the other? I am suspecting hard drive issues on both these pc's.
Yeah but just ran the onboard diagnostics and everything checked out ok? In my little experience though diagnostics doesn't always tell if a HDD is 100% ok?