Changes to appointment times are not synced to PDA via EAS ...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alan McGrath BE
  • Start date Start date

Alan McGrath BE

We're using Exchange 2003, Outlook 2003 and Exchange ActiveSync with Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5 PDAs.
Since about two weeks ago, any changes to the TIMES of appointments are not synchronized with the PDAs, i.e., the PDA always shows the original appointment time. Any other changes, e.g., modifying the subject field or message text, marking the appointment as Private, setting a Category, etc are synchronized.

This happens on all our PDAs with all our users and can be reproduced at will. Everything else, e.g., syncing e-mail, appears to work normally.

In Outlook and OWA, I can see the time changes correctly.

Any ideas please? We installed the latest MS Exchange 2003 patches a couple of weeks ago and I'm wondering if that's related.

- Alan.

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