Can't switch to desktop view after automatic restart in Windows 8


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I recently installed Windows 8 64x on an Intel Core2 Quad Q9550 (2.83 GHz) with 4GB of RAM.
After Windows performed an automatic update I was notified of a coming restart.
I proceeded to watch a video in my Chrome web browser.

After several minutes, Windows performed an automatic restart.

Upon reloading I was brought to the Start screen and Chrome was also loaded somewhere in the background - evidenced by the sound of the video I had been watching playing. I could not switch to the desktop view neither by pressing the flag key on my keyboard
nor by situating my mouse one of the left corners - where no thumbnail of the desktop was displayed. The right corners both gave me the expected menu, and I ended up managing to get to the desktop view by selecting Chrome from the Start menu.

BUT I am troubled by the fact that, other than by opening an application (or selecting an already opened one) that runs purely in the desktop view, I was unable to switch over...
Is there some obvious thing I'm missing?
Is this a known bug?
Is there anything that can be done about it?

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