Can't open mpg files

Tony D

FPCH Staff
Jan 18, 2016
SE Pennsylvania, USA
I've been copying VHS tapes to mpg format for the last few days on my W10 machine. Everything has been working fairly well. This afternoon, W10 updated.

Now I can't open any of the mpg files. Media Player and Movie Maker start and then a notice comes up that they stopped working. Movie & TV starts and then just shuts down with no notice.

I don't have time to research this now as I have to leave. Just thought I'd let you all know in case you run into a similar situation.

I'll do a System Restore later this evening or tomorrow morning.
I saw two updates had been installed today - KB 3150513 and KB 4013429. I un-installed KB3150513. The problem persisted. I then un-installed KB4013429. Problem is solved. The mpg files open as they should in Media Player, Movie Maker, and Movie & TV. Keep an eye out for this issue.
So this morning I did some more video copying. Guess what. MS reinstalled that update that I took out. Now the mpgs doen't work again. I'm going to have to uninstall this update again.
Yes, I've been reading how this update is breaking things. That article doesn't mention Media Player, but I'm seeing others are experiencing the same issues with it shutting down.

I've disconnected this machine from the Internet in hopes that it won't try to install KB4013429 again. However, since it's already been downloaded, I doubt that will fix the issue. I see no way around this (avoiding an update) in W10 Home.

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