can't get rid of wallpaper--help!


Jan 13, 2006
Hello All,

I have a problem with my desktop wall paper.

If I go to Windows' display properties it shows "permonitorwallpaper0.bmp". I've tried deleting the file, but it recreates re-create itself every time I
reboot. If I change the wallpaper using Windows' display properties,
it changes fine but after a reboot it goes right back to the "permonitorwallpaper0.bmp" picture.

I've tried using XoftSpy and other antispy software, but the problem remains.

Can anyone help me remove this problem?

Thank you in advance
What you have is a trojan horse called AntiVirus Gold or possibly a variant of it, it can be a real pain in the butt sometimes to get rid of, and is usually best accomplished manually, I'm not sure if HijackThis or other such spyware removal programs have updated their definitions to identify it, but I do have a URL for you with removal instructions:

Please try the following method and let us know if this solves the problem. The solution is shaky at best and I have heard of others who do NOT get rid of it with this method. If anything, I can assist you via REMOTE ASSIST at a determined time and examine the drive from my end and try to erradicate it myself. I can not guarentee success either, as I have never dealt with this trojan personally as of yet.

Good Luck