Can't Create a Batch File that's Executable

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shenan Stanley
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Shenan Stanley

Paul Calcagno wrote:

> I'm running Windows Home Premium, SP2. Windows Defender, Spyware

> Doctor, MBAM, SAS and CCleaner. MS Office 2007. 2 GB of RAM. All

> WU's are current. System is running fine.


> I'm having trouble with Win Defender Definitions updates so I'm

> working via e-mail with MS to reset my Security Settings and

> Permissions. One of their suggestions is to create a batch file

> using Run==>Cmd==notepad and have this file contain the following:


> @echo off


> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f

> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f

> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f

> subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f

> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=system=f

> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=system=f

> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=system=f

> subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=system=f


> @Echo =========================

> @Echo Finished.

> @Echo =========================

> @pause


> Now I'm having trouble saving this file as a batch file so that I

> can double click it to make it run under a Dos application. If

> saved correctly, I'm supposed to be able to double left click it or

> right click it and select `Run As Administrator'. No matter what I

> call it (reset.bat, reset.txt) or no matter what file type I save

> is as, when I double click it, it won't `run' or when I right click

> it, Run as Administrator is not an option. Am I doing something

> wrong? Paul C.

> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Do I have a virus and that's

> why these files are behaving this way? I've waisted hours on this

> meaningless problem.

Seems you are being told to do this:

"Advanced Troubleshooting" titled,

"Method 1: Reset the registry and the file permissions"


But you never mentioned getting/installing SUBINACL...

Download and then install the Subinacl.exe file. To do this, visit the

following Microsoft Web site:

Without that step - the rest will fail. After installing that - continue.

Create your document as you have shown, but add this as the first line:

cd /d "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Resource Kits\Tools"

If you save it as reset.cmd (in notepad by clicking FILE --> SAVE AS -->

Save In: "Local Disk (C:)" --> File name: "reset.cmd" --> Save as type: "All

Files" --> Encoding: ANSI --> click on the "SAVE" button then FILE --> EXIT)

at the root of your C drive and then do the following...

Start button --> RUN --> type in:

cmd /k dir c:\reset*.*

--> click OK

What does the resultant directory listing show?

If it shows something like:

" Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is ____-____

Directory of c:\

__/__/____ __:__ __ 476 reset.cmd

1 File(s) 476 bytes"

Type in EXIT at the command prompt.

Then you could could check the file associations - where CMD and BAT should

*not* be listed. If they are - they may be associated with whatever you

used to open/edit them - and there is your issue. Need to not have that

association. Most likely - you are fine - move on...

Now - what happens when you try to run it with right-click --> Run As


One might have you try this:

How do I reset Windows Update components?

.... if you are running a 32-bit version of Windows Vista.


Shenan Stanley



How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Paul Calcagno wrote:

> Shenan, maybe you could tell me a little more about your other

> suggestion of `How do I reset Windows Update components?

> (


> Reading a little bit on this site and it seems to pertain to not

> being able to download SP3 for Win XP so I'm a little confused. Further on

> it says `This article helps you reset the Windows Update

> components'. Why do I need to do this? Does this fix have

> something to do with how Updates will be offered to me? And if I

> need it can I just click the link to `Fix this Problem' MS Fix It

> 50202'?

> Thanks..............Paul C.

First - I pointed you to because that

is what you said Microsoft was having you do (at least the advanced method I

directed you to within that full document.) Why were they having you do

that? My guess was to make sure you had the proper permissions set on your

registry keys and files and folders to allow you to do everything you might

need. Malware has been known to change such things and make it harder for

you to repair things.

Second - I pointed you to because it

is an easy way for you to reset your Update system - more automated. If you

cannot update something related to Microsoft - perhaps the automated Fix It

they provide will re-register the correct DLLs and such and get you moving

again. I would say running it will not hurt anything for you and I would

recommend it after you have fix the permissions on your


The mention of Windows XP SP3 in the first article is because that *is* what

that article happens to center around, but the advanced method I pointed you

to (as did Microsoft) works in Windows Vista as well - ensuring proper

permissions/access that you may need.

The second article does not mention Windows XP SP3 that I recall. It does

apply to several different OSes (as seen at the bottom of the article:)

a.. Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

a.. Microsoft Windows XP Professional

a.. Windows Vista Business

a.. Windows Vista Enterprise

a.. Windows Vista Home Basic

a.. Windows Vista Home Premium

a.. Windows Vista Ultimate

a.. Windows Server 2008 Datacenter

a.. Windows Server 2008 Enterprise

a.. Windows Server 2008 Standard

a.. Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Web Edition

a.. Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition (32-bit x86)

a.. Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (32-bit x86)

a.. Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (32-bit x86)

Hope that helps!


Shenan Stanley



How To Ask Questions The Smart Way