Can't boot Windows XP, not even in safe mode - displays all wordsspelt wrong

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Just wondering.. has anyone ever encountered or heard of anything in
this scenario when booting Windows XP (this is for a Toshiba Satellite
M30 laptop):

NB: First noticed laptop started completely freezing up and crashing
just a day or so ago. Had to do manual switch off/on.

Then today:

1. First attempt to load - wouldn't load with 2nd monitor plugged in
(was in dual monitor mode).. just showed blank screen when trying to
boot.. so turned off computer and unplugged it.

2. Next attempt to load - got initial windows loading screen and then
windows loading bar page - but the graphics appeared a bit dodgy and
had a couple of vertical lines running through logo.

3. Finally get into windows - but loading desktop takes ages, with
patches of desktop icons and deskop appearing bit by bit... then a
Blue Screen of Death, apparently caused by "nv4_disp"

4. Manual reset - got it to Windows Safe Mode options screen only to
find that the ENTIRE page of words are spelt wrong. Yes.. like someone
made some REALLY bad typos. (see screenshot photo: Can still highlight options
and select mode.

5. Attempt to load into safe mode brings up list of .sys files - ALL
SPELT WRONG. Like letters were scrambled. Then another BSOD - this
time caused by "framebuf".

So now have no idea what to do. Can't get into the bios - anyone know
how to do this on toshiba laptop? Can't try booting by disk because
the cd rom drive is broken. Is this a virus of some sort - perhaps a
boot sector virus? Or is it a hardware problem? I've never encountered
anything like this before. The misspelt words thing is really wierd.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Can't boot Windows XP, not even in safe mode - displays all words spelt wrong

<> wrote in message
> Just wondering.. has anyone ever encountered or heard of anything in
> this scenario when booting Windows XP (this is for a Toshiba Satellite
> M30 laptop):
> NB: First noticed laptop started completely freezing up and crashing
> just a day or so ago. Had to do manual switch off/on.
> Then today:
> 1. First attempt to load - wouldn't load with 2nd monitor plugged in
> (was in dual monitor mode).. just showed blank screen when trying to
> boot.. so turned off computer and unplugged it.
> 2. Next attempt to load - got initial windows loading screen and then
> windows loading bar page - but the graphics appeared a bit dodgy and
> had a couple of vertical lines running through logo.
> 3. Finally get into windows - but loading desktop takes ages, with
> patches of desktop icons and deskop appearing bit by bit... then a
> Blue Screen of Death, apparently caused by "nv4_disp"
> 4. Manual reset - got it to Windows Safe Mode options screen only to
> find that the ENTIRE page of words are spelt wrong. Yes.. like someone
> made some REALLY bad typos. (see screenshot photo:
> Can still highlight options
> and select mode.
> 5. Attempt to load into safe mode brings up list of .sys files - ALL
> SPELT WRONG. Like letters were scrambled. Then another BSOD - this
> time caused by "framebuf".
> So now have no idea what to do. Can't get into the bios - anyone know
> how to do this on toshiba laptop? Can't try booting by disk because
> the cd rom drive is broken. Is this a virus of some sort - perhaps a
> boot sector virus? Or is it a hardware problem? I've never encountered
> anything like this before. The misspelt words thing is really wierd.

The video chip seems to have failed.
Since you have other hardware failures (your cd rom not working)
probably time to have it serviced by the factory.

If you have data on the drive you need to save...
be sure to pull the drive...
get an adaptor and slave it to another system so you can back it up.

Anytime you have a machine might as well make the assumption
they will loose all your data!