Cannot install NVIDIA driver

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roy Simpson
  • Start date Start date

Roy Simpson

Hi - after installing latest versions of Firefox and Thunderbird, I had a
problem with the display (text was overwriting to give scrambled output); was
advised to update the video driver.

Control Panel>Display Settings gave NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Mod 64 as my driver so
went to NVIDIA website, selected latest driver (78.01) and downloaded. NVIDIA
advised to remove existing driver using Add/Remove Software before installing
new driver, so did so. Ran Install Wizard for 78.01; got message similar to
(I didn't note it exactly) 'Cannot find hardware supported by this driver, so
will exit'. System appeared to go to a default driver (I am no expert!) and
gave unwanted settings on number of colours, screen size etc so changed these.

There is now no reference to NVIDIA in the Add/Change Software list. But my
system is working OK on the apparent ly default driver. Do I need to do
anything to access and install an up-to-date driver??

Thanks in advance for any advice - Roy
Roy Simpson <> wrote:

>There is now no reference to NVIDIA in the Add/Change Software list. But my
>system is working OK on the apparent ly default driver. Do I need to do
>anything to access and install an up-to-date driver??

Not if you're happy with it.