Cannot display the whole screen in Windows 8


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
My problem is that Windows 8 cuts off part of the the top and bottom of the display on the screen. I've looked for display settings to change things. I can't find anything.
More detail:
First, this is really easy for me to see because I use two computers with a KVM switch. One is running Windows 8 and the other is running Windows 7. The Windows 8 computer was upgraded from Windows 7. When the Windows 8 computer was running Windows 7, everything
worked fine and no hardware was changed! Since it has been upgraded (... and ... I think that using the term &quotupgrade&quot for what has happened to that poor machine is an injustice and a lie ...) the image is fuzzier and the very top and bottom of the
display is cut off. There is just enough visible so I can still click the icons, but it certainly looks bad.
How can I fix this so I can see the entire image in Windows 8?
I'm writing this message on the Windows 7 machine because WINDOWS 8 SUCKS! S-U-C-K-S!!!! Worst OS since Windows Me! (And, in spite of some negative comments it received, I liked Windows Vista and always defended it when students in my classes attacked it.)

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